Loyalties: Zealous Claims

May 11, 2012 03:54

Rating: PG-13
Genre: AU!Drama/Minor!Action, Romance
Pairing: Jay/No Minwoo
Summary: He questioned himself often before he steps out, wondering where he could hold his stance, appear confident and firm, and find the courage to pull the trigger.


Jay glanced out the fogged windows of his shabby apartment, barely maintained, barely occupied. He settled on the tattered bed, his white shirt stained as his eyes studied the intricate lines of the piece in his hand.

His superiors claimed it was simple, too easy in fact once he fired his first real shot. He held it up and resumed the stance taught, aimed at the invisible target and concentrates all his energy into the mindset, his finger neared the trigger and he could feel his senses coming to a halt, a tremor of panic course through as if he had been the before it instead. He couldn't do it, even if it was an unloaded weapon.

Frustrated, he released it and placed it in the drawer beside his bed and put on his jacket, storming outside into the streets.

He walked inside the questionable building, the few who nodded their heads to acknowledge him, the sheer number of tattoos, the displayed weapons and scarred faces did nothing to faze him. He stayed low, quiet, his silence gained favor amongst the Red Dragon members as they found him the best to trust secrets, any vital information with. Everything was going well, nothing had caught their attention or made them suspicious otherwise.


He turned around to see the smirking man. It was this member that caused him the most trouble. He looked forward and continued, the moment he was out of sight from the others, he felt Minwoo come up behind him.

"I thought you were leaving with the others."

"Don't sound so disappointed." Minwoo retorted. "You must work on your poker face, especially when I ask why you avoid me so much."

"My poker face won't do much else if I'm killed. Being around the boss's favorite tends to have those disadvantages." He said dryly.

"Must you always care for the boss's approval." Minwoo scowled. "And if you're truly that worried, then you should know he dropped me for someone new." He walked in front of him, blocking his path with his eyes trained directly to his own. "It's good news, isn't it?"

"I have no idea how you came to that conclusion." Jay finished as he stalked off to the main room. Minwoo would not be bothered, Jay had long known his constant declining had absolutely no effect on the other man. In fact, it may have fueled it.

Before he reached the room, Jay glanced at the black boxes beside him, a brief glimpse of white hidden as the tops covered.

"Hello, Sir." He greeted as he stepped inside, the crew's lieutenant offered his own cryptic smile.

"Just in time." Jay stood amongst the other superiors. "You two will join me tomorrow evening."


The superiors' narrowed eyes shifted his way, the lieutenant's strained his own as a pregnant pause ensued. "You're not required to know."

"I am, if I am to protect you properly, there is never an end to ensuring your safety. A priority we should all take seriously." Jay added, his composed expression hiding his pounding chest.

To his relief, the lieutenant seemed pleased with his answer.


The evening had gone well, he kept an eye out, studying the words and following the conversation, careful not to miss a detail. Of all the things he observed within the main house, none had shocked him less than the youthful boy that walked across the room just once as he made his rounds with the others about the home.

Jay was visibly stunned as the young man looks straight into his eyes, and orders, "Step aside."

Jay does so, he briefly assumes the young boy is the clan leader's toy. The teen's annoyance was overshadowed as he continues walking without casting a look at the men centered in the living room. Jay's eyes happened on a stoic man who followed right behind him with just three steps between them.

It was only until after he walked down the hallway of that household did he notice the few family photos, the boy was the clan leader's son.

Their group had no connection with the clan at first, yet over time realized the benefit of being associated with the fearsome clan that baffled authorities and overran territory from respective families.

Using the Lau clan's power to blanket and encourage their own investments was widely considered a good choice. Jay held some suspicion over the relationship. He doubted anyone could use the Laus without something in return. After all, the Jiklo family had been taken down, one of their biggest sources of income were gone, and they were in need of another.

Still, with his limitations, he keeps his opinion to himself.

"You two will accompany me this Friday evening as well." Jay nodded beside the other as the door closed and the car took off.

He lingered in the nearby brothel, various hands brushed against him but he denied them. He couldn't stand another second and soon left.

Afterward, he returned to his apartment. He flicked on the lights as he took off his jacket when he turned around, and nearly jumped.

"I surprised you? How nice." Minwoo said, lying on his bed with his back pressed against the faded wallpaper.

"Do you know what I could've done to you? How did you even get in here?"

"I know what most would've done. You, I don't know." He mused. "That bit of mystery about you is what I enjoy most."

Jay wanted to tell him off, but his eyes caught the gentle metal clanging. He looked at Minwoo's left hand, handcuffs that sounded as he moved his hands casually and observed the other's confused gaze.

"One of them wanted to enjoy themselves with me, I barely made it out of there. Luckily, he was an idiot." Minwoo explained with a bitter distaste at the memory.

"Are you alright?" Jay asked outright. Minwoo's lips curved at the blatant display of concern that betrayed his image, but he chose to keep quiet about it.

Jay looked just as Minwoo raised his hand and asked him. "Unlock them for me? My attempted captor forgot the key."

"You break into my room, but can't open that?"

"Those sorry excuses for locks? No, not really."

Jay raised his gaze to meet his blatantly, teasing stare. No, that was all he had to say. Minwoo was hardly begging him, this may even be a test to see how he would react. The internal war between reason and instinct struggled silently, until he found himself looking around the other empty room, as if to see if others were somehow lurking about.

The bed dipped as Jay sat on it, cradling his wrist in his hand as he used a small pick to work the lock.

Despite the style he handled it, the fact that he helped the other was the true crime amongst them. And as the handcuffs finally unlocked, Minwoo hadn't moved his hand, contently pleased with the outcome.

His eyes held a keen glint, the moment marred by his next choice of words.

"You're not cut out for this line of work."

Jay remained stolid as he turned away, not letting those words seep in. "Get out."

Minwoo lost his smile, disappointed as he lazily sighed, "If you wish."

Jay aimed to lock the doors afterward, noting how Minwoo dangled the handcuffs in his hands.

"I'll consider this our souvenir."

With that, he closed the door behind him.

Jay shook his head, wishing he had never caught this member's eye. Because despite his attitude, Minwoo, he reluctantly admitted, knew him best. From the day he first arrived, the night of initiation and since then, Minwoo had kept a special interest in him, always keeping an eye on his words and actions. Blatantly honest and upfront with his infatuation that made it difficult to ignore, the attachment hardly went undetected by the others.

"That boy seems to have a thing for you." His lieutenant added. "Once you handle today's mess, you can take him as a token of thanks."

Jay's eyes strained. "What's the job?"

"An accountant was too nosy in our business, take care of him." He gestured him away, one of the members gesturing for Jay to follow him. Jay furrowed his eyebrows.

Most times he was ordered to take care of someone, he had managed to found ways around it, other ways rather than face what he was set out to do. In his eyes, as long as it was taken care of and those involved remained silent, then there was no problem. And as he stepped into the distant room where a terrified man waited, the dawning realization hit him as he felt the cold, loaded weapon in his hands.

He had to act the part.

He held up the weapon without hesitation, pointing it directly at the pale man's face.

"I swear I won't tell anyone."

"That's not good enough for us." He uttered coldly, his finger laid closed to the trigger.

"We'll leave you to it, Jay."

He stared intently at the man who quickly lost any color he had left. His pleads he tried to block out, but couldn't, he couldn't be fazed. He had no other choice.

Despite the circumstances he was now in, the stake against his life if he hadn't done what he was ordered to do, none of this reasoning won in gaining favor. He simply couldn't do it.

They were all wrong. They said the pressure of the job would force his hand, that the goal would override this fear, despite it all, he couldn't shoot.

He ignored the soft knocking on the door, he'd have to force himself to do it, somehow. He just had to. The knocks continued, mimicking his increased heart beats. The racing alone echoed loudly to him.

Finally he had enough.

"What is it?" His grip tightened on the weapon.

He heard the door open, recognizing Minwoo's almost patronizing voice as he informed.

"You're lucky, the cops are here."

Jay widened his eyes and stared back at the now closed door. He heard the very distant sounds of sirens, but something had sounded off about them. He lowered his weapon and stormed out of the room.

The frenzy of madmen around him made him unsure of what was going on, but he hadn't seen the familiar lights, nor the orders of the men, nothing that signaled the police had actually arrived. His boss had figured it out as well.

"It was a fake!" He yelled at the men who stopped in their tracks, turning red in the face from anger alone. His stare then focused on Jay who remained rooted to the spot.

"You let him get away. If word gets to the cops, if you had done what you were suppose to do!"

Jay stepped back as the lieutenant stepped towards him, with just an order alone, he knew his life would be cut short at that moment. Although the gun was still loaded, it felt entirely like lead. Even at the cost of life, he couldn't raise it, even for the act of intimidation.

To the surprise of everyone, Jay watched as Minwoo pulled the weapon from his grip and aimed it at the boss's forehead.

"Give me yet another reason to shoot, I dare you." Minwoo sneered. "Know that my reflexes are faster than all of you combined." He warned to the others who reached towards their own weapons but stopped at his smug words.

The odds were against them, but Minwoo still had an edge.

There was a mix of terror and rage in the boss's expression. "You would dare-"

"Dare what? I consider your death as justified for what you did to me. Now, step back or this really will become a bloodbath."

Jay remained frozen as Minwoo glanced his way. "Leave, or must I do everything?"

He wanted to ask if he would be fine, but Minwoo had already raised the weapon once more. The sound of the ear-splitting first shot echoed loudly.

The bullet barely grazed the boss's cheek.

"Not a smart move." Minwoo offered a smile, intending it for the still frozen man beside him.

Jay still couldn't react, somehow his nerves had frozen completely, leaving him a complete loss how to handle the situation.

"Leave," Minwoo ordered quietly. "Or I may have to aim this at you too."

Jay cleared his throat, with one last glance he reluctantly bolted from the scene. His hand reaching for the cellphone in the deep pocket of his jacket, hurrying before he'd hear those distant sounds of gunshots. The moment the line made it through, he said,

"This is officer Jay Kim, badge number 850326, requesting backup."


He received pats on the back, honest words of thanks, handshakes with almost the top of the ladder. But none of it had done anything to change his mind.

Eric could only scoff at the letter of resignation on his desk.

"I'm disappointed really. We're this close to taking down one of the most powerful crime families in South Korea, but they're as allusive as ever. Maybe if I'm lucky enough, the turf war will just wipe them all out." Eric mumbled as he looked back at the letter. "I don't understand how two of my own team, who helped to take these men down, want to remain anonymous!"

Jay arched an eyebrow as Eric leaned back against the chair.

"Think of this on your record, the medal and glory. Your name forever associated with this take down, linked in history!"

"I was never one for fame." Jay explained, earning a glare his way.

"If I ever come across a case like this, I wonder if I'll feel the same." Eric said doubtingly, looking back at the letter in his hand. "I can't believe you."

"You think this is cowardly of me?"

"No, I'm angry that you reaped this reward. I remained undercover for years, and for what? A bust."

Jay offered nothing more than an apologetic smile. His superior sighed once more, discontent with recent shortcomings. His work within the Red Group was his intention, but he was quite close to a potential leak on the Laus, who from his knowledge, had taken their shipment of drugs. Without anyone to pay or answer to, they were given free reign with the product.

Unfortunately, like others before him, they evaded the authorities.

Eric sighed, staring the at forms on his desk. "Granted if this is what you want."

"It is." Jay assures.

"Then be on your way, before I get an earful for letting you go."

He stepped out of the office and came across a second superior, he bowed lowly.

"I don't need formalities." The reserved man uttered, hands behind his back in a casual manner and turned to leave. Jay forcibly met his superior's gaze just before they parted. "Thank Dr. Kim for me."

His superior left without another word and he wondered if the man would even bother.

Jay stepped out of the police station, arms stretched wide as he stood on the bottom steps. Never had he felt this weight lifted off his shoulders. By the time he walked into his former apartment, a much cleaner yet still as empty one, he reached for a backpack when he heard a forced cough, his house guest making himself known.

Minwoo glowered from the couch. "First, you leave me in the hospital alone. Then you expect me to go into Witness Protection? Have you not seen the way I took care of myself back there?"

"You shouldn't have to always look over your shoulder."

"I'll never look back, especially if you're standing right next to me."

Jay walked into his adjacent bedroom, dropping his backpack at the foot of the closet and began pulling out clothes. "You should still rest," He insisted loudly, the small wound he saw for himself, and it was far from the small scratch the other made it out to be.

Minwoo followed closely behind, eyes still trained on the figure's back as he changed out of his shirt, unabashed. "Concerned are we?"

"Of course."

Minwoo was glad to hear him say it so matter-of-factly, without his usual hesitation now that his cover was over. "Then I ask that you treat me delicately."

Jay remained silent once he tossed a shirt over and continued scouring through his clothes as Minwoo grew frustrated, irritated that Jay still wouldn't go along, not that he ever did in the first place. The disgruntled figure plopped down on the bed and mentioned. "The force must have been excited to have you back."

Jay caught his dejected tone. "Disappointed to know I'm a cop?"

"As if you were that clever in hiding who you really were. I figured you out for one the moment you walked in."

Jay chose to doubt that, sparing himself some pride. "Then why didn't you rat me out to the boss?"

"As if I'd tell that creep anything." He chided.

He understood the risk Minwoo had played with all this time, he would ask why, but the answer was as clear as day. Still, he chose to remain blind to it as he threw some of the clothing onto the bed, Minwoo reached for the leather jacket. "I'm going to miss this look. It looked amazing on you."

"Have it then. I won't need it anymore."

Minwoo instantly perked up and placed it on his lap. He pursed his lips, "Does this mean you've quit then?"

"Why? Don't tell me you have a thing for cops." He waited for the usual comeback but nothing came. He looked back to see Minwoo with an unusually serious face.

"Don't think of yourself as a coward. You're far from one."

Jay paused, mildly surprised at his sincerity.

"Although, they might make you out for one." Jay lowered his eyes, the touched moment ruined completely as Minwoo continued. "I don't think everyone's meant for these roles. To me, I see you on a mountain somewhere, with a certain someone accompanying you."

Jay arches an eyebrow, not paying much particular attention but silently amused at the man's weaving tale. "I'm assuming you're putting yourself as part of the picture?"

"Obviously, or else I wouldn't tell you the picture at all."

He zipped the backpack closed, pulling it over his shoulders as he looked around at the still basic apartment and nodded to himself. He stepped outside from the apartment and towards his car, leaving the bag in the back. As he stepped in the driver's seat, he heard the door next to him open and close.

"What do you want?"

"We're traveling the country, aren't we?" Minwoo said excitedly, sporting the leather jacket that framed his body quite well.

Jay noted in the mirror that two bags of clothes were already in the back. He shook his head at his forced upon partner, but otherwise placed the key into the ignition, the sound of the engine roared.

Minwoo smiled proudly, "I knew you liked me."

"Don't push it."

Minwoo chuckled as he fell back against the passenger seat.


Other Stories From The Loyalties!AU:

[ A Candle's Glow | Eunhyuk/DongHae ] ♦ [ Skewed Promises | Yunho/Jaejoong ] ♦ [ Nameless Melody | Sungmin/Ryeowook ] ♦ [ Cardinal Interests | Kyuhyun/Yesung ] ♦ [ Zealous Claims | Jay/No Minwoo ] ♦ [ Shadows Of The Light | Lay/Chen ] ♦ [ Thicker Than Blood | TBA ] ♦ [ The Departing Train | TBA ]


c: no minwoo, fic♠au: loyalties, c (trax): jay, type: fanfiction, pairing: jay/no minwoo, type: yaoi

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