Without You

May 20, 2011 20:04

Without You
Pairing: Eunhyuk/Bii
Rating: PG | Genre: AU!Fluff | Length: 495 words
Beta: paradigm_twist
Summary: Swaying casually to the music beneath that sky.


A/N:  Bii not Bi!


Eunhyuk bobbed his head to the music that was blaring loudly from his headphones, leaning against the metal bars when he felt a light tap on his shoulder.

He turned his head and was greeted with a slight smile.

"Good evening." Bii said.

Eunhyuk lowered his headphones and gave a disapproving look. "You're late."

"I'm sorry." Bii apologized as he bowed. Eunhyuk forced him to stand up midway.

"We're too close for that." Eunhyuk murmured. "Or at least I like to think so." He muttered to himself.

Bii smiled shyly as Eunhyuk hopped off the metal bars. They walked along side-by-side as Eunhyuk toyed with the wire of his headphones.

"Are you going for the class trip?" Eunhyuk asked lightly as they continued walking at a steady pace.

Bii pursed his lips. "I don't want to." He admitted.

"If you're not going, I won't go either."

Bii gave a quiet laugh. "That's childish."

"It's not childish for wanting you there." Eunhyuk retorted. "Without you, I don't see any point in going."

"You have other friends." Bii murmured solemnly, eyes staring intently at the ground.

"Don't underestimate yourself." Eunhyuk said. "I'd rather spend time with you here than spend a week in some distant city with complete strangers."

"They're not strangers." Bii protested. But, he beamed at the comment.

Suddenly, he was pulled back abruptly. He noticed that Eunhyuk's arm was draped loosely around his shoulder as he was held against him.

Bii wasn't caught off-guard; he was already used to Eunhyuk's random gestures. If anything, he was glad that Eunhyuk felt comfortable enough around him to do it.

He said nothing when he felt the headphone pressed against his ear.

"Listen." He ordered. Bii followed obediently.

He nodded his head in approval. "The song's nice."

He waited for Eunhyuk to let go of him. It was what he usually did after he shared a song with him. But this time, Eunhyuk didn't let go. Even after the song had finished and a new one started playing.

"Shouldn't we move?" Bii asked, trying his best not to stutter.

He turned his head. Only to see Eunhyuk closing his eyes as he leaned against his shoulder.

"I don't want to." Eunhyuk said. "Don't ruin this for me." He said as he nuzzled against his shoulder.

Bii felt his other arm move across, enveloping him in a tight hug.

"I'm running out of excuses to hold you." Eunhyuk said quietly.

Bii tried to bite back a smile but failed. He hummed the tune from earlier as he looked out at the dark skies. Allowing himself to be gently rocked by Eunhyuk, who still hadn't loosened his tight hold on him.

"We'll just plan our own trip." Eunhyuk asserted. "Just the two of us." Bii stayed silent and Eunhyuk kept his eyes closed. "So I take that as a no?"

Bii shook his head as he closed his own eyes. He gave a small chuckle. "Definitely not."


A/N: Just decided to go for some of the odd pairings... however when this one was asked of me, I admit it was kind of hard ^^;. A new random challenge I decided to go for on a whim, drabbles though because of the length :).

| length: drabbles, pairing: eunbii, c (taiwan): bii, challenge♣stars drabbles, type: fanfiction, c: eunhyuk, type: yaoi

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