Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Kyusung
Genre: AU!General, Romance
Disclaimer: I don't own any SuJu member.
paradigm_twist [Y][FF] Summary: He acted nonchalant to the man who says his feelings too easily, who states them without hesitation, who is willing to give everything to mere chance. A chance he's reluctant to give.
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It really does seem like forever since I last worked on it @.@ I'm slowly making progress on that huge list! stares at it* very...slow...progress.. But Yay! Glad you liked it キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!! OTP! I find them so cute ;-; The photos keep making me want to write another one~ (this list keeps growing o.O)
No m-rated~ at least ^^ It felt so awkward writing that one little line though lol, but I did it! >D Ahh...just realized that, bridal style did seem odd for two guys but I did my best to work in everything!
His voice ~ I had to include that in there, and I'm glad it managed to fit~ I know enough to say that it seduces nearly everyone (‐^▽^‐) Kyuhyun is hardly excluded from that. I was so worried about the length xD Didn't realize it was that long @.@
Yup~ It's still weird how Ciel and I keep having moments xD unintentional, we swear (points to Ciel*)
d(*⌒▽⌒*)b Hope this brings a little more sunshine in your day~ ヽ(´▽`)/
Love ~ Nyx ~ ♥
PS. And I'm sorry to disappoint that it wasn't a newer one >< I'll do it (`・ω・´) Fifth Kyusung! COMMENCES!
(Just realizing... Kyusung hasn't showed up yet in our ILC challenges o.O just maybe~ May~ Here we come :D) 2nd PS: I'm abusing the emoicons...but they're so cute ><)
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