Apr 18, 2006 16:31
well i was jsut sort of htinking about everything thats going on in my life. i have a booyfriend that i think im in love with or falling hard for and the best friends in the world, and im on spring break and everything is going my way but for somereason im still in a bad mood. i still feel like wollowing in my tears in my bed and sleeping till forever. i dont really know why. first off im convinced my boyfriends parents hate me or they are going to hate me. they hold him back so much so he pushes in the wrong way and they are so diffrent then my parents. and even more diffrent then me. he calls them the natzi's. its kinda funny. they are though. they dont let him make mistakes and take chances. i want to kidnap him one night and let him just be free. not for long just for a little while. i feel that he deserves to jsut take a chance. to be who he actually is. i dont know. i'll try.
another thing that is gettting to me is that my friends are complaining that they dont have anyone. and i feel bad, not that its my fault. i took a chance and ment it and now im incredibly happy. i cant stop smiling most of the time i think that they are getting annoyed taht im happy. i dontk now if i mean it like that but i dont want them to be jealous i want them to be happy. i want them to tale a chance and do something exciting. i dont know...i'll fisih later....s long for now