Stocking Wishlist

Dec 11, 2019 08:38

My wishlist... as always... I am grateful for everyone who takes the time to read, write, make, think about making something, so pressure, I am happy with anything I receive. I have also posted this stocking to LJ for those who don't have a DW account or feel more comfortable posting over there.

General Information

What I like: For fic - AUs (vampire, slave, wings, demons, BDSM, etc.), angst, drama, friendship, episode-related, sick fic. Artwork/graphics, I know, I know, but I love hurt/comfort/whump stories.

Do Not Wants: death of main characters, character bashing, gory details,

Fandom: White Collar
Media Request: Fic, Fanart/Graphics, Recs
Character(s) and/or Pairing:  Peter, Neal, Peter/Neal

Fandom: Macgyver 2016
Media Request: Fic, Fanart/Graphics, Rec
Character(s) and/or Pairing: Mac, Jack, Mac/Jack
What I like: Sandbox stories

Non-Fandom: Crochet patterns for hats, sjawls, recipes, especially for baking and oven dishes, ideas for taking better or original pictures with digital camera and iphone

Other Things I'd Like: Not really

Happy Holidays!

whump, macgyver2016, stocking wishlist, hurt/comfort, sickfic, white collar

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