Living in the now - chapter 9 - Waking up to a wedding

Sep 09, 2019 19:35

For warnings, please check out chapter 1 of this story.

This chapter can also be found on AO3.

Mac closes his notebook and takes a deep breath. Wow, this is a lot to take in. Amnesia… he lives with Jack in Texas. So his tour didn´t end as planned. But what fills his heart with relief, is that Jack didn´t abandoned him and is still looking out for him. The dog at his feet is called Ci.

‘Good morning Ci.’

She looks up, gives a woof and closes her eyes again. So she is used to him. His notebook tells him he is here for Bozer’s wedding. Apparently they already had the bachelor party, he saw the pictures on his phone. In the shower he tries to wrap his mind around the concept that he can´t remember the last four years of his life. On the other hand he has made it so far, so he likes to think he is a flexible person and can adapt to anything, so… he should be good. A handicap doesn´t define you.

Wait… what if he has this thought every day?

It doesn´t matter, he should probably get out of the shower before Jack gets worried.

He gets ready, calling Ci before leaving the room. Bozer and Jack are already having breakfast.

‘Good morning kid, you want some of Bozer’s waffles?’

Mac smiles, ‘for sure.’

‘Have a seat man.’

An alarm on his phone pings and Mac checks it, ‘I need to feed Ci first.’ Jack points to Ci’s food and Mac quickly fills her bowl and puts it next to her water bowl. While Ci is wolfing down her kibble; Mac sits down behind a plate with waffles. They smell delicious and Mac dives into his breakfast with the same enthusiasm as Ci.

‘This is the big day, right?’

Bozer´s smile widens, nodding.

‘Our man Boze here is getting hitched, Mac. Leanne finally will make an honest man out of him.’

‘How is this all going to go down?’

‘Leanne and her family will come to the venue directly. My mom will be picked up by uncle Earl, so that is covered. We need to be there at two, so we have time to change.’

‘Well, that gives us plenty of time.’

‘To do what?’

‘To drive to the ocean and have lunch.’

‘Sounds great.’

‘OK, let´s get everything you need and meet at the car.’ Bozer gets up, dumping all the dishes in the dishwasher.

‘Mac, your tux is hanging in a clothes bag in your room an you already packed Ci´s stuff…’

‘…in the red backpack. Yeah, I read my journal, Jack.’ Mac rolls his eyes smiling.

‘Well, let’s get to it.’

Fifteen minutes later Bozer and Jack are packing the car while Mac takes Ci for a quick walk.

*  *  *

They have a fantastic lunch in one of the restaurants overlooking the ocean. Ci is laying by Mac´s feet and everything feels normal, good. Mac is relaxed and Jack hates to break up the moment but they need to get going so he gets up to take care of the bill. They get in the car, roof down, and Mac and Ci enjoy their ride in the back of Jack´s sports car on their way to a new chapter in Bozer´s life.

When they arrive at the winery they are welcomed by the wedding planner. Jack explained to mac what to expect before they left the car, so he looks almost relaxed. Bozer and Jack know that it takes Mac a lot of effort to pretend everything is OK and that he is relaxed, even though he is not. And at the moment he is making every effort to make things go smoothly. Jack is proud of him and tells him so in a moment where nobody can overhear them. He sends Mac to the changing room with his tux while he quickly grabs his own and changes.

Mac re-enters the room, looking smart as ever. He even but a nice off-white satin boy around Ci´s collar.

‘You look dashing Mac.’

Ci whines and jack re-assures her that she looks fantastic herself.

‘Not bad looking yourself Jack!’

‘Are you ready?’

Mac nods.

‘Let’s do this then.’

They walk up to Bozer who is nervously looking at all the guests.

‘Ready?’ Jack asks gently and it seems to pull Bozer out of his mind.

‘Yeah man, let’s do this.’

Jack quickly tells Mac what to expect next and then the three men walk down the aisle, taking their positions. Ci obediently sits next to Mac and when the music starts, the men look down the aisle where Leanne is waiting, smiling. Bozer smiles back, Jack tries to blink away the tears, Leanne looks astonishing.

The ceremony is lovely and comes to an end too quickly. The happy couple leaves to have their pictures taken. The wedding planner tells the guest what is expected of them while they wait for the happy couple to return.

Jack and Mac join Bozer´s family which turns out to be an emotional reunion. But Jack loves all the stories Bozer’s mom has to tell about Mac´s childhood. He films a lot on his phone, air dropping them to Mac´s phone, so he can re-watch them over the time to come.

The whole entourage moves to the restaurant where they will have dinner and continue the party. Mac excuses himself and takes Ci outside for a walk. He is grateful for the moment of peace. Bozer’s family is fantastic but also very loud and he needs a moment of quiet, to ground himself before he returns to the party.

When he re-enters the room he can see Jack immediately coming his way.

‘How are you holding up?’

‘Just a bit of a headache.’

Jack takes a pill bottle from his pocket and hands Mac a pill. Mac gratefully nods his thanks and dry swallows the pill.

‘Do you want to go back to Bozer’s place?’

‘No, no, let’s go back inside. I don´t want to miss the dance.’

Jack smiles and they go back inside.

‘May I present to you, Mister and Misses Wilt Bozer.’

All the guests start to clap and Bozer and Leanne appear on the dance floor, big smiles on their faces and eyes only for each other. They start the opening dance and somewhere along the way, they break up inviting their parents onto the dance floor. After her father, Leanne approaches Mac and he gracefully accepts her hand. They glide over the dance floor and Jack makes pictures and movies of them. It is so good to see Mac relaxed and happy.

*  *  *

It is getting late and Ci warns Mac and Jack for a seizure. Luckily it is just a petit mal and nobody noticed Mac just staring in the distance. It is gone as quickly as it started and Jacks asks the wedding planner to get the limo to takes them back to Bozer’s place. Bozer and Leanne already left on their honeymoon and Mac and Jack decided to stay in LA for a couple of more days before flying back to Texas. Mac is tired and glad to be able to go to bed once they arrive at the house. Jack whishes him a good night before taking off Ci´s harness. She happily shakes her fur and when Jack shows her her regular leash, she happily follows him. He takes her for a walk to a nearby small park where he unclips her leash and throws a ball, letting her be a normal dog.

When they arrive back home, she quickly jumps onto Mac´s bed, snuggling against him. Jack takes Mac´s notebook, making some notes and reminding Mac to check out his phone. He quietly puts the notebook back and goes to bed himself.

Tomorrow, well technically it is already tomorrow will be a new day.

hurtmac, injuries, amnesia, friendship, hurt/comfort, team as family

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