What´s meant to be will always find a way - Chapter 3 - Service dog

Jun 04, 2019 15:12

Author: NYWCgirl
Fandom: White collar
Pairing:  None
Characters:    Neal Caffrey, Peter Burke, Mozzie, Elizabeth, June, Satchmo
Warning/genre:  M/M, friendship, blindness
Spoilers: none
Rating: Gen

Word Count: ~1160

Summary: Fifty ways Peter and Neal could have met.

‘Good morning everybody, today will be a busy day, we have three candidates coming over to meet their dogs.’
June opens the files in front of her, ‘Franklin, Isabella Jonas will come for Reuben,’ June hands him the file, ‘she is expected around noon.’
‘Perfect, looking forward to it.’
‘Elizabeth, Max´s candidate is Osmond Top. He will be arriving around two o´clock.’
Elizabeth accepts the file and starts reading.
‘Is Neal Caffrey coming this time?’ Peter asks with some skepticism in his voice.
‘Yes, he has changed his mind and wants to give Satchmo a try.’
Peter rolls his eyes, give the dog a try? He has never met Neal Caffrey, but he sounds like a spoiled brat. Last meeting, he cancelled, having his assistant phone them he changed his mind. He would have revoked Neal´s right to a dog but for some reason June decided he would get another chance.
After the briefing, Peter walks to Satchmo´s bench and takes him out so he can give him a good brush. Neal will be the first candidate today so Peter makes sure everything is ready.
Ten o´clock sharp Neal Caffrey is announced. Peter walks up to the man who is assisted by another man. He is not sure who is Neal and who is the assistant. But Satchmo does so Peter trusts the dog instincts.
‘You must me Neal, my name is Peter Burke and this here is Satchmo.’
‘You can call me Mozzie’ the assistant states. Peter guides Neal´s hand to Satchmo muzzle, letting Satchmo get acquainted.
‘Satchmo is a blond golden retriever.’
‘Nice to meet you Peter, Satchmo, sorry I cancelled last time, I…’
‘No need to explain, it must be quite overwhelming.’
‘Yes, but that doesn´t make it right for me to. I´m still not sure why I deserve a dog like Satchmo.’
Peter is taken aback a bit by Neal´s confession, here Peter thought Neal would be some cocky rich boy, but he is completely the opposite.
‘Neal, you deserve a dog like Satchmo, he will make your life so much easier.’
Neal nods, ‘ so where do we go from here?’
‘Well, I guess June explained this before, but we are starting with Satchmo adapting to you as his handler. Next you will learn to avoid danger together. After a while we will work on getting Satchmo familiarized with your day to day routines.
‘Wow, sounds intense.’
‘Does the dog have camera´s? the weird looking friend asks and Neal laughs.
‘Forgive my friend, he is a bit paranoid.’
Peter shakes his head, rolling his eyes and continues, ‘yes , it will be , but please don´t feel overwhelmed. If you are, let me know.’
‘After that, it will be a case of eat, sleep, repeat. Do you use Public transport?’
‘Not really, I was never really comfortable using it.’
‘Well, we’ll see if Satchmo can make it easier for you. He does very well on public transport.
Neal smiles.
‘We will be in contact on a regular basis to troubleshoot any issues that may come up.’
‘Sounds good. Hey Satchmo want to go for a walk?’
Peter is just about to point out that that is not the way to address a service dog, when Satchmo walks over to Neal and bumps his nose against Neal´s hand who feels for the harness. Before Peter can say anything the two of them are off.
‘That´s Neal for yah.’
Peter studies Neal, he is completely the opposite of what he expected. His hair fashionably tousled, aviators, track suit, he looks more like a model on a day off than the blind person he is. His file told that he is an artist, but that he wasn´t born blind, there was no cause mentioned and it is none of his business anyway.
He can see Neal and Satchmo walking around the compound. He smiles when he Neal wants to keep going forward but Satchmo refuses since there is an obstacle. He gets up to help out when Neal tells Satchmo to guide him and he follows Satchmo´s lead.
By the time Peter calls a break, the duo seems like they were made for each other.
‘Satchmo needs a drink.’ Peter says.
‘Got that covered. ‘ Out of his backpack comes a water bottle designed for dogs and Neal feeds Satchmo the water.
‘Is he allowed a chicken treat? I got them from a shop June recommended.’
‘Sure, Satchmo had no known allergies.’
Neal takes a chicken treat and feeds it, telling what a good dog he is.
‘You two are an obvious match.’
Neal smiles, ‘you agree, you sounded more skeptical this morning.’
‘Sorry, I… I was put off when you cancelled the last appointment. But now that I have met you.’
‘I´ll take that as a compliment. Now, what is Satchmo´s feeding protocol?’

*  * *

‘Congratulations Neal, You and Satchmo are going places together.’
Peter hands Neal the harness and leash. He feels sad to see Satchmo go but he knows the dog will make Neal´s life so much richer and easier.
‘Thank you Peter for making Satchmo the dog he is.’
Peter nods, not thrusting his voice, they shake hands and then Neal is off with Satchmo.

*  * *

Some time later

Peter stops his car in front of a large mansion. This is where Neal lives? His file said he is an artist, must be a hell of an artist to be able to afford this kind of house. He checks the address but it is the correct one and he rings the bell. A maid opens the door.
‘I`m looking for Neal Caffrey?’
‘Yes, please enter, I will let him know you are here.’
Peter walks in, taking in the grandeur of the mansion when June walks in.
‘June, what are you doing here?’
‘Hello Peter, this is my house.’
Peter must have looked surprised, because she laughs, ‘Neal is my tenant. He lives in the loft upstairs. Go ahead.’
Peter is still trying to wrap his head around the fact that June knows Neal but waves his goodbye while he starts up the stairs. When he reaches the loft, Neal is already waiting for him.
‘Hi peter, here for a check-up?’
‘Yeah, I came to see how the two of you are doing.’
‘Great, come in.’
Peter walks into the loft and immediately feels at home.
‘Yeah, thanks.’
Satchmo gets up from his luxurious dog bed to greet Peter.
‘Hey boy, how are you doing?’ Peter rubs the dog´s fur.
‘So, are you two having any difficulties?’
‘No, not really, everything is fine.’
‘Good, that´s good.’
‘We can show you over dinner?’
Peter smiles, ‘are you asking me out?’
‘I didn´t feel a wedding ring, so I made an educated guess, but sorry if I am too forward.’
‘No, that´s fine, I would be happy to go out to dinner with the two of you.’

tension, blindness, m/m, heists, friendship, stories

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