We almost made it

Jan 09, 2018 09:46

Fandom: White Collar
Pairing: None
Characters: Neal, Peter
Warning/genre: fanart, hurt/comfort, injury, hypothermia, rescue, undercover job going bad
Spoilers: none
Rating: Gen

Author's Notes: This was made as a fandom stocking filler for
dunderklumpen who likes our men undercover.

Word Count: ~ 0

Disclaimer: Characters are not mine…
Summary: They almost made it out of the hunting cabin. The plan had been solid, Neal would pose as a mountain guide and Peter as a hunter who wanted to shoot a bear. But unfortunately Peter was recognized. Neal managed to push Peter away, but was shot himself, now they have to make their way back to safety.

fandom stocking, rescue, injury, hurt/comfort, undercover job gone bad, round 8, h/c bingo, hypothermia

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