Title: "My cocoon" - season II; ch. 34-41
lost_in_my_solTheme: #o34. #o30. #o12. #o19. #o46. #oo9. #o25. #o33.
Rating: Overall NC-17
Fandom: An Cafe, alice nine.
Pairing: Kanon x Hiroto
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of those real persons but I do own my own creation. Sometimes I wish I did..
Comments: Finally sharing the chapters~ though busy with working 70h per week.
archive [
season I links]
#14 |
#15 |
#16 |
#17 |
#18#19 |
#20 |
#21 |
#22 |
#23#24 |
#25 |
#26 |
#27 |
#28 #29 |
#30 |
#31 |
#32 |
#33 NEW!!
#34 - 35# f-locked due content ;
#36 ;
#37 ;
#38 ;
#39 f-locked due content ;
#40 ;
#41 ;
oritinal story for 50stories