2010 End of Year Cosplay Review
(yoinked from
windofthestars and changed a bit)
(yes, I cheated and copied the costume page from my website, adding in a couple J-fashion outfits)
I made 7 new outfits this year (with a couple other J-fashion pieces thrown in there). That's a record LOW! I feel lame that I only made 2 complex costumes this year, Fuu and Sakura, but they were doozies! The Wa-lolita was also rather detailed, I guess. I feel like I made a lot of small fry stuff instead of bigger projects, but...
The CLAMP costumes took a lot of time and money in a very busy and broke year! I graduated with my bachelor's from ASU, got a job teaching middle school special ed.(after applying at 20+ locations and several interviews over the summer), and moved into a bigger apartment. So I guess I shouldn't be too hard on myself, right? =D Oh, I also got my website up and ran a masquerade and like 20+ panels with SunaCosu. All in all, I guess it's been a successful year, even if it wasn't as impressive on the costuming end.
Cons Attended:
Con-nichiwa, Phoenix Comicon, Anime Kaigi, Animeland TuCon, SabotenCon
-I was invited with my group to the last three as guests!
-The only sad part is that they are all local. I wasn't able to travel out of state to cons last year. I did land a job, so there will be funds for more travel in 2011, starting with Anime LA!
Most Difficult:
Fuu from Magic Knight Rayearth or Princess Sakura
Fuu was my first sword and second fiberglass prop, my first experiment with Fosshape (don't think I like it), a skirt with 15 pieces AND a lining. There are still things I want to improve.
Sakura was interesting to drape. I had to make all the gold piping myself, applieque all the designs with satin stitching, and sand and paint all the coins, and even make my own shoes! Mainly, it was time consuming.
Both costumes are littered with those dumb CLAMP gems, which I had to make of course. xD
Easiest Costume:
Miyabi from Buono! Kiki is a close second. We love bag dresses!
Most Hated:
Reina Tanaka, because it was made for CandiPop, which was a huge frustration along with my former place in a certain maid cafe, and left me unhappy. (Sorry, but it's the honest truth) It was also rushed, made without the correct textured fabric, and made when I was not very excited for the whole project. :( At least I got some cute pictures in it. ^^
Most Loved:
Princess Sakura! I lovelovelove Sakura and this costume. I have wanted to make it for years and am so happy to have it finished and proud of how it looks completed. It helps that I have a sexy Syaoran.
Most expensive:
Princess Sakura! I stopped totaling. It's easily over $200. The extreme yardage and my first time buying resin casting supplies made this an expensive project.
All my Con-Nichiwa outfits (Yukata, Kiki, Reina) were all under $25. Con-Nichiwa was the con of cheap costumes apparently! xD
Skills learned this year:
-more with fiberglass resin and sanding
-casting clear resin gems
-making piping
-satin stitch applique (I can do it -well- now)
-making kanzashi
-Fosshape (bleh)
-the wonders of a dremel xD
-the wonders of makeup xD xD xD
-my love for metallic spandex!
Awards this year:
Best of Show at Con-Nichiwa (Miyazaki "Gettin' Ghibli Wit It" group)
Judges Award at Phoenix Comicon (Fuu from Rayearth walk on)
Best of Show at SabotenCon (Tsubasa dance off)
Best cosplay memory of the year:
I had a lot of fun doing cosplay groups this year! Tsubasa and the Miyazaki group both won us best in show and were a blast to perform and hang out in. =3 I love my talented cosplay buds!
Cosplay Resolution:
I want to make about the same number of outfits, but more big, impressive projects (and sorry to say, less J-fashion outfits). I want to travel out of state for cons more, too.