Who: SunaCosu, Arizona's premier cosplay gathering site (new website forthcoming)
Event hosted by NyuNyu and kalas_angel_of_darkness
What: Cosplay MiniGolf!
When: Saturday, March 22, 2008 @ 2:00 PM
Mesa GolflandWhy: To kickoff Arizona's new cosplay club - SunaCosu! (for more information on the club's formation and the closing of Arizona Cosplay Society, please read
Cost: $7.75 / person
Or checkout the 4 people for $24 and save a bit
(must be purchased online
Come in costume and enjoy some minigolf fun! Our first meeting will be in May, but before that, consider this a nice fun meet and greet event. Plus it's something fun to do and wear your costume that you didn't get to wear to AniZona this year (notice the date). We'll likely go out to eat as a group afterwards (location is up in the air). I hope to see many of you there! Please spread the word!
Please RSVP if you'll be coming, or even if you might be coming!