...And laughed myself to sillyness by reading this:
# Star Wars. Come on, gang: it's got a Laser. Sword. Wielded by a space-farmboy samurai against a walking ER room samurai and an elderly cloaked glowing-eye samurai that shoots exploding lightning from his fingers. The space-farmboy samurai's mentors are an old British man and a wise frog, his sister is a princess revolutionary, his best friend is a cowboy, his best friend is a gorilla-person and they're accompanied by a beeping garbage bin and a possibly gay shiny robot who was at one point mistaken for a god by teddy bears who later defeated space Nazis with rocks, allowing the cowboy's best friend (a man who mines gas played by Billy Dee Williams) to destroy a rebuilt superweapon the size of a moon.
* Earlier on, the space-samurais protected the princess revolutionary's mother while she soapboxed, until they were forced to fight a tattooed man, a very tall British man and a cyborg with a head shaped like a spray nozzle, during a war between robots and clones. Oh, and did we mention all the samurai are also psychics and fighter jet pilots? It's not amazing that George Lucas came up with all this, it's amazing that he successfully pitched it.
(excerpt from
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NinjaPirateZombieRobot )
Actually, that whole page is hilarious beyond possible.