Jan 07, 2011 23:41
(even more so for 20 bucks only - Blizzard/Activision bonuses "yay". ... Why can't I be working for Ubisoft?! orz )
...Of course, I didn't play it. I can't play shooting games, and MGS series might be the only exeption cause they aren't shooting games really. But I got to sit through a complete run-through it - and it was actually damn entertaining! It actually had quite a nice story (nothing groundbreaking here, but still well executed) and was not dull at all, various settings, various activities (yeah, all of them come down to "kill people", but yanno...) And I think that the 70s thing shined through the whole atmosphere quite well (Vietnam war sequence set to a Rolling Stones song :D ). But the best part is the intro to the mini-game/extra game: Kennedy(!), Fidel Castro(!!) and Nixon(!!!) versus zombies in the White House!!! XD
(I'd say "spoilers" here, but those few people who read this are probably not going to play this game in the fist place. Oh and there's a fourth guy too, but I don't know him, so he doesn't matter anyway. :P)
Yeah, the bad Kennedy one lines are bad, but hilarious in their badness.
I'm disheartened that I won't see my boyfriend for god knows how long again, so this is just ranting for distraction.
Oh, oh, guess what I gave in an bought? :3 Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood <3 <3 <3
rl drama-lama