Ohlolz, the rant at the beginning of this clip! XD
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This area, Old Miltia/Submerged city reminds me of Zeboim and Tower of Babel in Xenogears. (Generally speaking, the enviroment designs are to my liking in this game. That is, if not for the many, many sewers.) Now if only it had music by Mitsuda! :/ I mean, Kajiura's music is not bad, her style is appropriate enough for this game (and I am in love with the music in the opening and "Fatal Fight (Jin&Margulis)", that was just epic), but Mitsuda is "THE BEST COMPOSER OF ALL TIMES! OF ALL TIMES!!!" XD (Sorry, couldn't resist! ^^; )
What also amuses me about Episode II is that two of the playable E... gears are "female", while E.S.Asher is - despite its slight similiarity to Weltall-2 - some sort of tranny, running on high-heels. But nevermind, really, I like (giant) robots on high-heels! :D
Final thought: if NAMCO is so set on cameo-ing KOS-MOS, why won't they include her into Tekken? Then I might finally start caring for that particular fighting franchise.
And this is totally unrelated: grmble, grumble, rrmble, grummble, grrr!!