And this god has also spurred wars, discrimination, hate, close mindedness, regression, suicide, murderm death, and it goes on. People kill in the name of god, believing blindly, and not thinking for themselves like so many others. Granted, it is a crutch it does help alot of people, but it also hurt a lot of people. If I were god, it would be driving me insane, that is if you can assign human emotions to it. and these things do happen reguardless if the religion was here, and they have happened reguardless if This god exists or not. Part of the problem is that God itself is so undeisputable, what can be, is how we interpret "his word" and how we let it affect our actions. It's alright if you hate hispanics (we are entitled to our own opinions, even if they're wrong), so long as you don't let this affect your actions towars them. God affects people's actions A SHIT LOAD. a muther fucking truck load of it. I think that this is a problem, that it is too caught up in things when it should be a somewhat privete thing in practice, like sex. Oh god, sex and religion, that's for another time.
I don't think a belief in God is the true cause of the wars and all that jazz. I think the cause of that war is people's bloody-mindedness, and since they are aware of the fact that they have no legitimate reason for their actions, they scream "God told me to hate you!"
In all 3 main religion's holy books, there are passages saying to in effect "love your enemy". Osama bin Laden tells his followers to kill Americans (and everyone else by the way) not because it is his stated religion's dogma to (in fact it is directly opposite Muhammed's teachings), but because he revels in death and killing. A truly godless, evil man.
The indisputability is key, I think a better term is "untransparency". Nobody can truthfully say to know what God says to other people (if indeed God says anything), so people are free to assign responsibility for anything and everything to God.
I may add, the Crusades were caused not by religion, but by European ruler's need to distract the unruly peasants from their own hardships; to direct their rage away from the rulers.
In all 3 main religion's holy books, there are passages saying to in effect "love your enemy". Osama bin Laden tells his followers to kill Americans (and everyone else by the way) not because it is his stated religion's dogma to (in fact it is directly opposite Muhammed's teachings), but because he revels in death and killing. A truly godless, evil man.
The indisputability is key, I think a better term is "untransparency". Nobody can truthfully say to know what God says to other people (if indeed God says anything), so people are free to assign responsibility for anything and everything to God.
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