Oct 11, 2005 20:08
I think I am in the minority of guys, those who believe in "chivalry". It's a dying concept - not because it is wrong, but because it is a sure-fire way to be USED. Not appreciated, not thanked for being kind, we get used and abused like a virgin catholic schoolgirl by the “ideal guy” (more on that later). “Me” does not matter, its what “me” can do for you without you having to reciprocate that matters. But damn, I'mma be stubborn. My thing is chivalry, and even if it is socially self-destructive, it's the right thing to do. When I go to my grave a bachelor, I'll have won the moral battle.
While I may not be appreciated for what I am, I haven't sold my soul. Call me ignorant, call me whatever the damn fuck you feel like, I'll still be what I am, and better then the whores because of it.
Or, if people are going to take advantage of the hospitality/decency I make it a point to offer, they damn better acknowledge it. I hold on to my futile, hopeless hope that somewhere there is a girl who likes nice guys. My reputation as nice is the only damn thing I have, and I'd like to keep it. The people who abuse hospitality are kicking puppies, and their souls will rot in hell for it...
Nice guys finish last in the social world. Its damn true, and its bullfuck. Nice girls do eh, alright as far as I know, but a nice guy is doomed. Maybe someone can explain to me why girls like the chauvinistic fuckers, and take advantage of those who show decency? My social mantra is to be as bloody kind as possible to girls by default, and I had thought although I am leaving my guard down, it would be appreciated. Where the bloody fuck did you (girls) decide that nice was a quality to be manipulated?
Where was I when being chivalrous became the undesirable quality? Continuing on my train of thought, why won't girls date people who are kind to them? Is the entire gender masochistic?
I greatly desire to be in the social middle class, but there are lines that unlike others, I will not cross. That is my fatal flaw, I see it now. I am too naive to see kindness as the weakness it is. I am too polite to rub shit in others eyes whenever and however possible - just because I could. And so I am doomed. Because of my very being, I am undesirable.
I just don’t understand where you (girls) get your logic! I always felt that people who were nice to me were great people to have around; I still do. However, this seems to be a rare outlook. By my logic and observations, if I wanted to be a “hot commodity” to girls, all I’d have to do is treat you like shit. Looks seem to be irrelevant, its how despicable you are that decides how much girls like you. I’d love to be a “hot commodity”, but… I have standards, I have my soul.
Unlike all the soulless fuckers who get the girls and do their shit, I am a true person. If the price to pay for girls to like you is to defile what makes us better then wild animals, you fuckers can have your bitch guys. If girls see the perfect guy as one who is as refined as a gorilla, then I’ll just resign myself to being the failed guy.
But damn, I’m always on the outside looking in. That’s what I get for being a decent human, having morals -
nobody loves me.