Oct 08, 2005 19:59
I have been focusing recently on getting my new car. I'm relatively sure I've shown everyone who cares (and almost everyone who doesn't) the pic I have of my dream baby. It has become likely I may get one very very soon, and then the fun starts. =D
My ideal outcome is that I have the car and system ready by prom.
I have two possible paths, and the course I take depends on exactly what car my dealer friend finds for me. One course involves me selling my Camry to one of Jenna's friends and using that money to pay for the GT he gets, but requires that an expert mechanic my parents know look over the car itself for problems. If he approves of the condition, I'll likely have the GT within the next month or two. I drew up a list of the system I'd like to get for the GT and it comes to around $2,400... If I get the first path, I'll have enough time to likely also get a body kit for it, and still meet the prom deadline. This would ROCK, but I forsee it being highly unlikely.
The other path I just figured out is substantially longer, but might in the end turn out to be better. This path is simple, I work up all the cash for the GT, and not sell the Camry. Upon figuring out the average amount of $$ I'll be making at my jobs I started doing the math. $150 a weekend to $2100 (100 for homecoming expenses) is 14 weeks, or 3 and a half months. Once I have the GT, it takes the Camry's garage space. I continue driving the Camry while I get the system and install it, then once I'm ready (May area), I sell the Camry and start insuring the GT so I can drive it to prom.
The upsides to the second path are numerous. First of all, the car in its finished state is a surprise for prom (which is kickass), second that I dont pay anywhere near as much insurance on the unfinished GT, third that my parents hate the thought of selling the reliable car for another which they feel is certainly a hunk of shit. (I may add that by their standards, the Camry I have is certainly in the top 2% of cars one could POSSIBLY own of ANY ever sold... ranked far far above almost every car you can think of (even McLarens and other obviously superior cars)They have this irrational view that any dip in reliability from the Camry is a cardinal sin, and don't realize that it is nowhere near the "status symbol" they think it is. I've tried to explain that having a car in this town is almost a given, and that mine ranks in the bottom 10% of student cars at both WHS and Cascadia... but they've grown up in a world where cars were a sign of affluence. This last bit may offend those of you who don't have cars, but... it's true. Every lunch you see kids walking to the parking lot, remotely unlocking their Lexus's and BMW's and driving off to eat at Jack or whatever.
It offends me, yes it does.
Anyways, assholes aside, for either path to work out, I'm gonna have to work all weekend, every weekend. It's a bloody shame I can't work during the week, but I need that time for schoolwork.