This post here will consist of two mini-rants. Since I know nobody actually reads the full content of my posts, I’ve decided to shorten/condense them a lot to make them less intimidating. My hope is someone will read them, realize I have a lot of good stuff to say, and maybe think better of me for it. Selfish in the extreme, but everything is. Hmm
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There is a terrific column by David Brooks that ran some months back called "The Cult of Death". I suggest you read it. It's truly an amazing look at the "islamic radicals".
Dont make me add that in the Qua'ran, in every translation, is a passage telling Moslems to respect the People of the Book (ie. Christians and Jews), and indeed, the Moslem faith draws its lineage from the very Abram who is said to be the founding father per se of Judaism and indirectly Christianity. Moslems believe they are descendant from Ishmael, the first son of Abram, who was cast into the desert by Sarai, Abram's wife. From Genesis 15.1.11, (new Revised Standard)
"And the angel of the Lord said to her,
"Now you have conceived and shall bear a son,
you shall call him Ish'mael,
for the Lord has given heed to your affliction.""
All three religions are very close, indeed Christianity's Old Testament is the Jewish Talmud, and many parts of Islam draw off of the Bible and the Torah. Case in point, all three religions consider Jerusalem to be an extremely holy city, in Islam it is (I think) the third most holy city; where Mohammed journeyed to the heavens and back. Obviously it is the most important city for the other two, but you get my point.
It's like all the subdivisions of Christianity. (Christianity here is defined as any thing involving that big clusterfuck of 'Jesus is #1!' sort of things. [Or #2, after God.]) It's all the same bloody thing, and everyone wants to prove how they're more right than someone else who's equally right.
Edit: 'Identical cousins played by Patti Duke.' - To sum up the major political parties in the US.
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