Glasgow Kiss (Male'ah ha'aretz kinyanecha)

Apr 28, 2011 22:13

"It's like love! Only it hurts more."

"I disagree."

"What, that it's like love?"

". . . no. Nevermind."

I don't know why I said that, but I suspected then, and know now, who really heard it.

* * * * *
"The people you think will help you, won't; the people you don't expect, will. . . . If you can't, then you must; if you must, then you can."

Himy was not wrong about either of these things.

There is at least one thing to be gained by having someone not be there for you when you need them most: Taleb calls it "convexity to disturbance". More colloquially it's sometimes called courage.

* * * * *
I still think of myself as weak, undisciplined, unskilled -- most of the time. Then I pull my head up and look around at everyone else, including my former selves, and extrapolate five years ahead. And smile. I'm doing pretty alright. Head back down, keep humping along.

Against my expectations and intentions, it's shaping up to be a magical year.

life, love

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