Title: (Final) The TruthPairing: Kyusung
Genre: Drama, fluff(?)
Summary: Kim Jongwoon or better known as Yesung rarely speaks. What would happen if he crosses paths with Cho Kyuhyun, a bully who seems to hate everyone in the world?
Rating: PG-13 for mentions of violence.
A/N: this is unbeta'd. Keep the errors as a souvenir! And OMG! It's the ending!
“But you broke my heart. I hate you.” )
I just wanna spazz at the YeChul brotherhood.. Already spazzed in the last chapter but going to spazz again. Like seriously, that's how bad my YeChul feels are. I love how much Heechul cares and just gets so angry when he sees Kyuhyun! It just makes me squeal and happy and I love how much they love and care for each other T.T Kim brothers FTW.
Now, Kyuhyun... Oh Kyuhyun... The first song was heartbreaking to say the least... I felt like Kyuhyun had rejected Yesung because he felt like he wasn't good enough. But then you explained later on and I was slightly confused O.O But I'm an awkward oblivious turtle so ignore that XD But ANYWAY, I love how he changed the lyrics because he was thinking of Yesung... That's just... dunno how to explain :P
Can I just lol at Kim brothers both beating up Kyuhyun? I just can't get over it XD
Ok Kyuhyun's way of confession was just awkward XD But he's awkward so it's ok. And the way Yesung reacted, like 5 minutes late or something, made me giggle inside. I'm sorry, I giggle at the most inappropriate moments. It was a very good moment but somehow it looked like a cartoon in my head... LOL. And I kind of feel for Kyuhyun... poured his heart into the confession and gopt a punch to the face. And a few more XD
And just wondering... was Kyuhyun playing for HOURS whilst Yesung was looking for the book? Or did Donghae/Eunhyuk spy on yesung and give Kyuhyun like a heads up when Yesung was coming? Sorry, I contemplate the weirdest things...
Well, I loved the ending! It was nice and light and open ended and I love that! It was quite realistic (wasn't Yesung just jumping right into Kyuhyun's arms which I would've squealed over but wouldn't have been as good). It was a good end to a very good story that I loved through and through.
I can't believe how much perseverance and commitment you had to complete this! It's amazing Unnie and just wow... You wrote such an amazing fic... I'm sooooo proud to have someone as amazing as you as my Unnie >.< Lovee you so much~ This was excellent and I love it.
i made it realistic as possible. you don't welcome someone in your arms after they break your heart right? so there.
you're the only one who knows of the plan though. so shh about that mom okay?
love you mom!
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