Wow, I went invisible for a while. Well, I'm visible again, but not for long. Just a quick update.
*For the vote-whoring I was doing, I got creamed in the semi-finals, but it's given me an idea on what types of audio auditions I'll be able to produce for legitimate business endevors. Since then, I've been venting my creative urges in making fine jewelry and, as always, abusing the hell out of my Sims (which I'd show you, but for some reason I can't get the link to load)
*Work sux, but you all already knew that. So far I am not too terribly disillusioned about my position, but apparently I can go back to Gamestop and earn the same amount if I felt so compelled. So far, no such inclination. Ah, if only money were unneccesary, or if we won the lottery ...
*It's official: we have a roof, and siding, and a garage. The new house is going up quite nicely, we should be moved in between thanxgvn and xmas. About that same time I should be near finishing with the bone graft surgeries so Ryu and I can start saving for our log cabin. Hurrah!
*Not that any of you really give a ninja's black-clad ass, but I just beat FF IX with no cheat codes, YAY! Now I'm working on FFX because I'm bored and need to do something to keep my mind off all the idiots I gotta deal with at work whilst I'm trying to sleep. Speaking of which, that's something I should probably be doing now.
Oh, and for everyone out there: 10 DAYS UNTIL SERENITY!!!! (if you don't go see it, your immortal soul will be damned to a level of hell where they make you watch the first season of Survivor over and over and over ... without censoring the oldman penis!!!!!!!)