Aug 10, 2005 00:51
well, my trip to minnisota sucked kinda hard. I had to work most of the time, and I also had to live with my grandparents. I love my grandparents half to death, but looking into their eyes... the only thing that I can see is death. My grandfather can't even walk anymore.... and he even told me, "I don't know how long I have to live, but death doesn't scare me anymore". Hearing, and seeing all of their faces and smelling that the end is near really made alot of it depressing. That, and I had to work almost the whole time. They are verry old, and can't handle to do much of anything anymore, so I had to go and do alot of dirty work.... I did get a tan, but that's only a minnor plus to an ample amount of acitic visions.
Another aspec that I didn't enjoy, is the fact that I felt alone... seeing all my relitives married, and happy and stuff... and then me. Alone... flirting with maybe one or two girls every cupple of months, never anything serious, and comeing back... to almost nothing, I sat at work today looking and thinking about what I really have, compaired to everything that I saw.... I really didn't have too much to show for. It really was a bummer...
I'm just glad to be here... so I can forget what I saw, so I can forget about how I feel... So, I can ignore the harsh eliments that the world has to show. I'm shooting for the moon, and aiming for the stars... I just hope I'm not just throwing rocks and teh busses and the cars....