Just bugger.
Recently, I can't figure out what the hell my problem is. I'm more moody than usual, which is saying I'm scary as hell. I don't know how my husband puts up with me. I end up being real snippish then apologizing for the next hour when I realize that I'm being horrid. My husband just smiles at me and tells me it's okay. That, in itself, is getting to me. Why can't he be just a little annoyed and show it? I know he gets annoyed with me sometimes, but he never says anything, never shows it. I don'tk now how he does it and to some extent I don't want him to become an angry person, but... Maybe his patience is depressing/angering me, because I can't do that. I am not patient, by any real standard. Well, I suppose I should amend that to say that I'm usually very impatient about practical things. If we shouldn't spend money, I get impatient to buy something... Anything. A pack of beer?? Heh, perfect; gimme. If we should be going to bed soon, I get to wanting to go someplace and I get a ton of energy. It's really not fair to him, because he'll go along with it unless he can't keep his eyes open.
Last Saturday, a friend was supposed to come over for the night. Long story short, I am trying to get her out of her current situation. Well, she didn't call and didn't show up. I was fuming about it, because I was really worried about her. So, at 10pm, my husband decides we're going for a drive. It turned out to be four hours long and absolutely lovely. We went someplace totally new. He knows that driving new places always perks up my mood. We got home just before 2am and I just passed out when we got into the house. He didn't have to go to work the next day, thankfully, but he isn't supposed to stay up late (it messes up his sleep schedule).
His mother, of all people, doesn't think that we should have gotten married, especially so soon. She always seems to find something that she thinks is a mistake and has no qualms about informing her only son that he's making it. Just two days before our wedding (give or take, I can't remember) she told me that she didn't think that we were "doing the right thing." I told Karl, my beloved husband of longer than we've been married, that his family would probably never like me and disagree with many of the decisions that he and I make. Nobody likes me for long unless they are truly strange. His family, in general, really doesn't care for me, nor do his friends. I have always asked and wondered whether he really thought that marrying me was a good idea, but he persisted.
Husband got up late and his work, Nintendo, is picky about that. I have since discovered that they give a few warnings first, but yesterday I wasn't too sure. So, needless to say, I wasn't really feeling well. I was very concerned that our income was about to take an abrupt decline. A girl that works at the coffee cart here at the college was standing behind me. Let me state that she is possibly the most vacuous, vapid, stupid, rude, half-witted, mindless, oafish, obtuse, senseless, simple, slow, thick, thickheaded, unintelligent, vacuous, weak-minded, witless jackass I've met in a long time. I'm standing there, trying to ignore whatever she is saying, because it's all drivel. She's grabbing and poking everything I'm holding and my clothing. Finally, she pokes one of my breasts with her finger and says, "You've got big boobs." Without thinking, which is rare for me, I looked her in the eye and replied, "Shut the fuck up." Word for word. Her mouth dropped open and I proceeded to say, "Thank you, I appreciate that." She had stopped talking after all. I turned away. She said, "You're cranky." I hate that. "Yeah, and that's usually when you don't poke people." I spent the rest of the day amazed that I actually said that. I have never actually said that to someone and meant it. I'm not sorry, mind you, but still surprised.
Anyroad, I'd better start doing things that I am supposed to be doing.
Signed, *paw-print* the Fitz