So, against all odds (the ones I thought up, anyway) I got a response from the girl from my past. I was surprised, pleasantly. Apparently, she's just really slow to respond. She wants to meet up. I'm jazzed. Yay.
I still want this:
Skyscout. However, it's still 400$. Of course, if everyone I know were to put 5$ to it, I would still not even be close to my goal. I don't know that many people, see. Very few in fact.
So, I guess you could say that I've abandoned Jonathan. I realized, for the umpteenth time, that I can't do what I've been doing; both taking advantage of him and being dependent on something from my past. He was the only real link I had to my past until that girl contacted me. Sometimes, I remember that it would be better to sever all connections to my past, or most of it, anyway. The reason I say I've abandoned him is two-fold. One: I cut the relationship off. 'Bout damn time, too. That little squirt has been trampling on my last nerve for quite a while. Two: I am a great asset to him, regardless of whether he admits it. He tends to gloss over just how much I've helped him (he may see it as hinderance, but he's stupid).
I also heard from my father from Minnesota, now from Oklahoma. He's moving with his wife and possibly their horse. I think that the change will do them both good. They seem to think so, too. My father has told me that he would like to invite Karl and I down there to visit, as I did for him up here. We'll see. It would be kinda weird, as I've never met his wife and they're virtual puritans (i.e.
Jehovah's Witnesses). If you've read any of my earlier entries, especially, you can understand how this might be a problem. I dealt with my father fine, but both of them might be a bit much. His wife isn't equipped to deal with ME as he is.
I've been reading up on how to succeed at marriage recently. Most would think that this is because my marriage might be failing or on rocky ground. I disagree to both. I just want to be prepared for the inevitable troubles that may come. I just hope that Karl is prepared, too, else I'll be doing a lot of the work. Perhaps too much of it.
Many things recently bare thinking about.
Signed, *paw-print* the Fitz