The Wonderful Friday of Yay!

Sep 20, 2013 21:57

Yeah, as subject headers go, that one kinda sucked, but so does the perverted clump of broccoli, so just go with me here.. I didn't feel like taking the time to actually THINK a dignified, pun filled amusing title for a post that basically is me being stupid and gushy and happy...

So, I got up this morning; had a decent night, but not the best, and was in some pain and got to work realizing that I had nothing to do only to be greeted by a huge set of things to do and then... the phone rang... and it was garbage-- out here in S Cal we get a LOT of fake solicitors trying to sell you home improvements (um, I live in an apartment) or to give to the police or firemen retirement funding (um, no, that is not real, and you are sleezy for trying to get money for it, you evil person) or any of a number of things. And then a few other fakey calls came in and while I was busy talking to a REAL person about a REAL thing, a call came in that went right to voicemail.

I checked caller ID, didn't recognize it and went on with myself... and eventually checked voicemail while fighting with html on a tumblr post for a client and OH DEAR GODS HOW COULD I HAVE MISSED THIS CALL... it was the big cheese of another company I contract for and I IGNORED HIM AND HAVE NO WAY TO GET BACK TO... oh, look, he emailed me... and my direct boss poked me on facebook asking if I was ever going to be home to take a call from his boss and...

::sigh:: I panicked. The man sounded grim, angry. Right now I cannot AFFORD to lose this job... and the big cheese sounds like he is ticked at me and... he calls...

And OH LOOK-- not only is he a nice man who has a really amazing sense of humor and is funny and is making me laugh and OH DEAR GODS HE NOT ONLY LIKES ME HE ACTUALLY VALUES WHAT I CAN DO. We talked for almost an hour and he was nice throughout, and wanted to know not just what I could do, but who I was and he hit me from the start as a man with the following rules:
1. NEVER lie to him
2. Do not say you can do something you cannot.

Gee... all things I, well, do as a matter of course when working-- but then, get this... I am now on a trial... and if it works... I will no longer be a contractor, but an EMPLOYEE. From a company that is good, and helps people, and values their workers and has a man leading it with not only a neatly sick sense of humor but fights with his computer AND VALUES WHAT I CAN DO!

Yes, this is a trial. But I can and will do my absolute best; and I CAN do this-- it's right in my wheelhouse. I LOVE doing this. Just now... I'll be able to LIVE off it, and pay back the folks who have helped us... right now, I feel happy.

life, noodling, discoveries, work, update, musing

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