Pecked to death by ducks...

Aug 17, 2013 15:03

... I swear, I am so freaking tired of being freaking eeyore. I am TRYING to remain positive and it is just getting harder and harder.

Yesterday I broke a tooth. No, we're not getting it fixed; if we were getting anything fucking fixed it would be getting Veronica new glasses and then her teeth as she has constant pain from hers.

And then last night we found a fucking note on the door. Apparently they miscalculated the rent and we owe 40 bucks IMMEDIATELY. Oh sure, let me go print it for you. I'm not even agreeing with it, but we have to address it and as we want to keep LIVING here, will probably have to pay it.

Yes, forty dollars to many is nothing. Not us. I'm still hoping we can afford the fucking wedding license as THAT is 85 bucks, and we cannot afford even fucking soda for any guests. Hell, if we weren't gifted with the damn wheelchair van, I'd have no clue how we were getting to the fucking ceremony.

I get a check cut this coming week, but it has to get here from NY... and it has to help pay for NEXT month's bills. In case anyone was listening, the insurance came from nowhere (yes, we were stupid, shoot us) and THAT took all the "extra" we'd put away for the wedding. Veronica is not having even a damn bouquet.

I'm really trying to look at the positive in everything and believe it will work out, but its so damn hard when each and every time we get our feet under us, we're slapped back down.

life, update

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