Jun 25, 2011 18:09
This one is sooooo summertime-- big fruity drinks that have umbrellas in them and are colors that no drink should be... YAY!
We tried sleeping in-- the cats decided that we needed to be up at 8am. No really. I think something scared them because the big instigator was Miz Brini, and she NEVER comes in and does this. SO we soothed them, quieted them, and then... went back to sleep until 11 LOL.
Breakfast was lovely-- Veronica made some of the most amazing coffee this morning; donuts were on sale, so I had an Entemann's (a lovely national brand name-- if you can find them DO!) Chocolate donut with a mug of coffee and was blissed out.
Add in an amazing summery day with just enough cool to make it wonderful, wow being actually kinda fun, and the internet NOT being a butthead. AND... pain levels that were WAY down-- I swear, it was wonderful.
The pair of adorable icons I was gifted just were icing on the cake. ::grin::
Tomorrow, I think I may be offline a lot... want to play with paper and ink and colors... nothing major, but summertime cards are poking at me :D
However, I want a few seconds of serious. Yesterday, NY made Gay marriage legal. No stupid "voting" in of a human right, just passing a law making it so; the way it SHOULD be. Sorry, but someone who does not like my right to be married should NOT be allowed to step on my rights, just like I cannot step on the rights of interracial marriage if I was small minded to hate that, or hell, my deciding that any person of any color other than pasty white not being allowed to own property... those aren't things you vote in... they're RIGHTS that the people we elect in make sure are protected. GO NY and let's hope this starts the boulder rolling to fix the crap happening right here in California.