(no subject)

Apr 29, 2006 19:06

nyteshade6801 is being stalked on Livejournal!

anuebunnie is stalking nyteshade6801

anuebunnie’s REAL name :
Bruno Connolly

anuebunnie’s REAL DOB :
06th July 1980

Height :186 cm
Weight : 110.7 kg

anuebunnie has dreamt about you :
8 times

anuebunnie became interested in you :
18th September 2003

anuebunnie’s latest dream about you

You are working in an ice cream parlour. anuebunnie approaches the counter and asks for a whipped vanilla cone. You step out from behind the counter brandishing a leather whip in full BDSM gear.

This is how anuebunnie describes your relationship behind your back

‘We were destined to be together and you’ll soon be tying the knot.’

anuebunnie’s been stealing stuff from your house too.

anuebunnie has a number of nyteshade6801’s old school books littered around their bedroom.

They’ve even started modifying their body for you

anuebunnie is considering having reconstructive surgery on their earlobes so that they are similar in appearance to your own.

They sent the following message to you in a Valentines

We’ll be together some day sweetheart. Until then here is part of my fucking tongue. Put it in the freezer. I might need it back someday.

The Police

No. calls to the police :
25 times

Your Last Call to The Police

"Hi, police? Yeah, I’d like to report a crime. Some mad fuckers just shovelled shit into our mailbox. I think it’s this person I know from the internet called anuebunnie. Yeah, real mad son of a bitch. Can’t seem to understand that I just don’t like ‘em."

anuebunnie’s Police File

anuebunnie has connections with the Church of Satan, The Communists and the IRA. It’s only a matter of time before they are responsible for a major terorrist attack on our country.

Testimonies about anuebunnie

norseraider314 - Rotten heathen

‘To be honest there was always something about anuebunnie that gave me the creeps. Gave off a really weird smell. Almost like a decomposing racoon.’

swiss1miss_99 - Naked Meglomaniac

‘I used to love anuebunnie. This news has broke my heart. I feel like beating the shit out of that bastard, seriously. What a dick.’

cliff1323 - Overweight cult comedian

‘I use the word cunt sparingly - it’s more effective that way. I’ve spent all morning texting anuebunnie, with that word playing a key role in most of my messages.’

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