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Mar 08, 2010 20:17

well things appear to be on an upswing of sorts recently. Dad is doing pretty well and we may be rid of the wound vac here in a couple weeks which will increase dad's ability to be independent and mobile, so yay! We are still waiting on info regarding another surgery to do something about the missing heel bone, but overall things seem well.

My other stress loads have been staying about the same. Everyday it seems like there is something else new I need to add to my thesis which stops me from moving forward and finishing the damn thing. I'm in a pretty good spot at the moment though I think. I just need to sit down and crunch through some data analysis which finding the time to do that is rough. I've been contemplating taking a day off work that doesn't require me to be taking dad to the doctor. Although I do have the next week off somewhat due to spring break. I say somewhat because I am working Monday and Tuesday for some extra cash.

My hair started coming out again though. Maybe the brief lapse was my hair regrowning a bit before falling out again. *sigh* speaking of which I may need to make an appointment with a certain friend of mine to do something with this mess of hair I have going on. It's bugging me and I'm ready for some change of some sorts. Think it's been since last spring or early summer that I had gotten it cut.

Went and saw alice in wonderland this weekend. I enjoyed it a lot. It wasn't the disney story retold, but I liked it the same. It was pretty, although it did jump around a bit, the pace seemed quick. Although I've come to the conclusion I almost always like every movie, maybe I'm less critical then some.

well I should be going home to shower and get ready for another day.
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