May 23, 2010 08:52
ugh i can't seem to catch a break.
so, this morning i woke up with the beginnings of hives over my chest and in my armpits (super awkward place to have hives if you're wondering) and i've begun to medicate like crazy. sometimes medication helps, sometimes not. we'll see. i also located two semi-infected looking small bug bites. Since they're obviously festering I think that they may in fact be contributing to the hives.
I was supposed to go to the office today. I refuse. I refuse to be miserable and covered in hives in the office.
As it is I'm not sure if i'll make frisbee - it'll again depend on how miserable i am.
time to go look for some zantac or pepcid. (thought they're for stomachs they're also histamine blockers and can often help when you have hives. go figure)