Title: Caught Red Handed Author: Nytel Rating: PG Spoilers: Nothing specific. Summary: Bill catches Kara and Lee in a rather compromising position. Disclaimer: It's not mine.
Actually the whole 'this is how I would tell the commander' thing was what originally just popped into my head one day. So then I just had to write it. :)
LMAO! Oh dear lords! Could you imagine walking in on your son and your 'sort of' daughter talking about frakking each other? Oi! Okay obviously you could because you did! lol I'm really enjoying all your fics and, and, and, and I'm almost into the year 2006! HEE!
And yeah for almost being in the right year! Lol. I can't wait until you get to Tangled Up In You, I think that's when I finally *got* the characters. :)
Comments 8
I love it. I especially loved that Kara was so formal when dropping off the reports. Lee's reaction was spot on.
i love her "this is how i would tell the commander" thing. just great.
and the "I need a drink." line at the end. priceless.
♥s for you!
And yeah for almost being in the right year! Lol. I can't wait until you get to Tangled Up In You, I think that's when I finally *got* the characters. :)
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