Title: Turn Around
Author: Nytel
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None, it's pre-mini.
Genre: Angst
Characters: Kara, Lee, Zak
Summary: It's the one year anniversary of Zak's death.
Disclaimer: I am just borrowing them.
A/N: This fic was inspired by the lyrics of the song Turn Around by Sarah Bettens.
Also, thanks to
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OK, lets try that again.
Sorry it's taken me so long to respond - it turns out I needed to be at work to be able to concentrate on anything resembling reading fanfic. Of course, the management board have just shafted me royally, so I'm taking time out to read fanfic instead and calm down, rather than telling them to bend over and frak themselves...
Anyway, first things first; I like this piece. I really like this piece. I think you've created an entirely credible snapshot of Lee and Kara prior to the miniseries. The detached, isolationist Lee in this piece feeds entirely believeably into the arrogant, closed off Lee of the mini. You really hammer that home by showing the way he starts reaching for Kara emotionally, only to close himself down, deliberately stay away.
Equally, your Kara comes off completely plausibly - I particularly love the little touches, comments like Adama treating her better than she should, the carefully constructed layers of remorse and guilt, all woven beautifully together.
Even better, you've written this in such a fashion that none of it clashes with canon - in fact, if they filmed this and put it in a flashback, I'd believe it in a heartbeat.
Top job.
I think you've created an entirely credible snapshot of Lee and Kara prior to the miniseries.
-- Thank you. :) That's exactly what I wanted to do. I've always thought that there's not nearly enough information about those two years, and I watned to fill up the holes.
The detached, isolationist Lee in this piece feeds entirely believeably into the arrogant, closed off Lee of the mini.
-- Thank god. I was really hoping that I could write him to match how he was in the mini. It's quite different from how I write him in 'present day' fics.
particularly love the little touches, comments like Adama treating her better than she should, the carefully constructed layers of remorse and guilt, all woven beautifully together.
-- *Blushes*
if they filmed this and put it in a flashback, I'd believe it in a heartbeat.
-- *Blushes even more* Thank you. That has to be one of the best compliments I've ever recieved about my writing.
Thanks for taking the time to leave feedback, I really appreciate it.
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