Title: Regifting (1/1)
Author: Nytel
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None
Pairing: Kara/Lee
Genre: Romance, Smut
Summary: Sometimes regifting can be a very good thing. ;)
Word Count: 3,814
Beta: None, so if you see any mistakes, please let me know and I'll fix them. :)
Disclaimer: I am merely borrowing them. No copyright infringement is intended.
A/N: For
nebakanezer .With
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--Lol. Well of course they do! ;)
Very hot! Although, after four goes, I'm sure those bad boys are going to need a serious washing!
--Oh yeah, I definitely agree with you there. *g*
I can picture Kara and Lee now making the panties like a running "joke" between them. Like whenever Kara wants Lee to find time to sneak away and have sex, she could leave them somewhere where he'd find them. Like in a drawer of his office, or hanging right in the middle of his locker. Or under his pillow... especially if she's worn them for a while before she plants them. Hee!
Or she could drive him wild by discretely letting on while they're on CAP together or in CIC, somewhere they can't get away from for a while, that she's wearing them.
--That is so very something that they would do! It almost makes me want to turn this story into the beginning of a purple panty universe, but I think with a WIP on the go, I should refrain myself. Maybe a sequel at some point though...
Yay for A+ porn icons! ;)
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