Dec 10, 2007 08:10
I've been thinking about posting this poll for a while now. (Yes, my mind wanders when I study.) If you had the chance to date either Lee, Sam or Helo, which one would you pick?
The more I think about it, the more I know it wouldn't be Lee. As much as I love his character, and as hot as he is... I'll pass. Lee's not exactly fully together in the relationship department. Now there's Sam, who is uber sexy. And he obviously loves with all his heart. But then there's Helo who is also uber sexy, and who has a great ass, especially in a flight suit. And he's loyal. God, I know this is my poll, but I honestly don't know who I'd pick. Lol. I will decide at some point though.
For now, I'd like to know what everyone else thinks. :)
Poll BSG Boyfriends