Title: Moving Forward
Author: Nytel
Rating: PG
Spoilers: General season 3, and tiny bit of speculation for Maelstorm
Pairing: Kara/Lee
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Summary: Kara and Lee are finally living their lives the way they want.
Word Count: 1,836
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Comments 25
First bit o' fanfic I've read in a loooong while. Nice take on the prompt and perfectly fluffy :)
I may have to invest in a kitty icon just for the occasion...!
We need to stock pile the fluff for the upcoming episode..
We need to stock pile the fluff for the upcoming episode.
--I haven't even watched previews or read detailed spoilers and I'm worried. I'm doing my best not to think about it. The last thing I need is to be anxious over this any more than I am right now.
if only.......
Glad you got it done before Sunday's episode. :( :)
But one thing, WHY couldn't they....(ya know)? Not because of the baby in the room, I hope. If Lee Adama and his magic biceps belonged to me, there could be a thousand babies wide awake and screaming in the room and I would STILL throw him down on the bed and.......I need to stop before my response becomes NC-17.
Loved it, it was great. :)
But one thing, WHY couldn't they....(ya know)? Not because of the baby in the room, I hope.
--Yeah. Lol. That was pretty much the reason. I realize that might not be extremely realistic, but I needed them to have a conversation, not hot sex. ;) Plus, they might have woken Sean up. Could get quite loud... *grins evily*
I'm super glad that you liked it. *hugs*
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