School has control of my 2009

Jan 15, 2009 15:51

 I already have reading and homework and such for class. However, more often than not, I'm not doing them yet. I said I was gonna try to stay ahead but I'm already behind. *shrug* Them's the breaks.

But I really love my schedule this semester!!! Awesome classes/teachers all around (well...mostly).

Chemistry II (lecture & lab)  -- 5 credits
  Sociology                            -- 3 credits 
  Social Psychology                -- 3 credits 
  Comp for Honors II             -- 3 credits
  Japanese I                          -- 4 credits
The only class I'm not overly excited about is Chemistry. But there's only so much you can do to make science lectures interesting. And it is my minor so I have to get over that. But Japanese and Psychology are great classes, and Comp and Psych have awesome teachers. Sociology has the ability to be great but the professor teaches straight from the book and I don't like that. It bores me a bit, so I don't read before going to her class.

But yeah, that's me this semester, carrying 18 credit hours. Luckily I have early days and nice breaks between class so I have enough time to do work, step team, and enjoy college life. Hopefully.


Traffic's gonna be a bitch. But it's still so exciting.

college, politics, new year

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