Oct 14, 2006 20:41
It's un b/c my bdy isnt till tommorrow. But Besides that I havent updated in a while b/c well life hs been life and nothing exciting has really happened until last night. So, after a stressful drive thru boston, which I hate driving in and dont do often, but my sis wasnt around and I wanted to visit my stepdad in the hospital. I am driving on 3 south and get call from none other than my friend THEOLA, who hasnt bothered to cll me in over a year and a half fter her cellphone was disconnected and she disppeared. Well, turns out she's been spending her time in Canton, not working and chillin w/ her husbnd and 5 mo. old daughter ( u read this right!!!! TRUST ME!!!). So, Im glad to know she's doing well. It's nice when you can reconnect w/ old friends. And now back to life as it was.