Thoughts on 7 weeks in AZ

Jan 01, 2007 00:30

Some house cleaning..

1) I'm in AZ, not sure if everyone got that message.
2) The company I work for is great and everything would be perfect if I wasn't in fucking AZ
3) Imagine Orlando, replace all the Cubans and 95% of the African American and non-Mexican Hispanics with Mexicans, take everything that is green and replace it with brown, turn all the toll roads into free roads, take away the humidity, and you have the rough approximation of what Phoenix is.

4) Positives about AZ: I have had more cold mornings here in 7 weeks then I had in any 4 years in FL.

Negatives about AZ: crazy people on the roads, more overt racism towards Hispanics, far more of a cookie cutter mentality out here. In short everything Will hates about FL.

5) I actually miss you fuckers. I live with this 60 something Sri Lankian guy who owns 3 houses (1 in Las Vegas, 2 in Phoenix), can't make enough in rent to cover his mortgages, works as a security guard 3.5 days a week (3x12 hr shifts with 1x6 hr shift) and as an assistant manager at Jack in Box the other 3 days a week. nice enough guy but I don't want to stay here much longer. Maybe after Mid-March.

Currently I am watching a movie that makes Space Truckers look Oscar Worthy, The Marine starring John Cena. It's horrid. Highlights include Johnny driving a tricked out Police Camero while the bad guys are shooting at him with an M4, a Mac 10 and a 9mm, his Windshield is gone and the only protection he has is a BP vest that he's holding up with his arm. Driving through a construction site quickly makes his shot up Camero into a convertible when his drives UNDER a bulldozer. Regardless it's a great movie for a lazy Sunday afternoon. Currently a big back man is talking about a time in summer camp and his camp concilor named "johmmy whiplash" who offered him some "rock candy and friendship, then something else" as the music from dueling banjos pays. Did I mention this all takes place the SWAMPS of South Carolina?
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