(no subject)

Apr 15, 2009 01:05

  • 07:40 @ brohamed ahahaha, I leave tomorrow. Thanks. #
  • 07:41 Everyone here says there are dozens of ships dumping nuclear and other toxic waste off of Somalia's coast, contaminating their food source. #
  • 07:44 Was told that when non-pirate Somali fishing ships get closer to some of these bigger boats, they've had bioling hot water dumped on them. #
  • 07:45 @ hermorrine I do know now. Awesome. Six more days. #
  • 08:30 Blast, can't edit my LJ-post. Ah well, will do so when in stable net space. Am signing off for a bit - packing time. #
  • 03:47 Flying out in two hours or so.....pray for me. #
  • 03:52 Wish me luck, flying out of Bosasso and to better net space. Going to miss my mom but maybe I'll come back in a few months. Bye tweeples. #
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