Today's Tweets

Jul 02, 2010 18:00

  • 22:25 @ ThePookybear Good night Pooky, and thanks! Have a great Friday! #
  • 07:52 @ ThePookybear Good morning Pooky, have a safe trip! #
  • 10:02 OMG I just got a call for a job interview on Wednesday!!! Sounds good, possible temp to hire. Here's hoping! #scenesfromalayoff #
  • 12:02 Sarah vs. the egg salad sandwich. WHO WILL WIN? #
  • 16:21 RT @cnnbrk: Schwarzenegger orders pay cut to minimum wage for California state workers #americ
    aisburning #
  • 16:39 Want to experience the Twilight Saga but don't have 9 hours to spare? Play the 8-bit Choose-Your-Own-Adventure version! #
  • 17:00 @ MegaRan Twitter all the way. Whenever I check my FB all it is stupid FarmVille updates and "IF U LOVE OUR COUNTRY DISPLAY THE FLAG LOLOL" #
  • 17:19 Dear neighbors across the way who have been blasting music since 1 PM: Please eat shit and die ASAP. Kindest regards, N23 & Family. #ghetto #
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