Today's Tweets

Sep 25, 2009 18:00

  • 20:31 @ srtadaniel Ha! The other day I put peeps in the bathtub, and when I came back they were singing "All You Need Is Love." #
  • 20:31 @ jammer427 Oh, poor Precious! Well, I guess you guys will have plenty of quality time to spend together now. #
  • 20:55 Holy shit y'all, that was my 900th tweet. I'd do something to celebrate but I'm too busy trying to memorize my Torah portion for Monday. #
  • 05:23 @ Kenny_Mayne Used to live in rural W. Texas. They had something similar at carnivals: a few bucks to swing a sledgehammer at a junked car. #
  • 05:27 Feel very sick this morning. Hope I can make it through work day. Want to go back to bed. Wish there was someone to sit with me. #
  • 06:02 @ unrealfred That makes me think of TMBG's Ana Ng--"I don't want the world, I just want your half." #
  • 09:15 Hard to believe I've only been here an hour. Really want to go home. #
  • 11:49 Seriously, y'all. I feel like I'm dead and I just ain't laid down yet. #
  • 13:28 @ Enapov @ArchHallJr I'm hoping it's not H1N1. Even if it is though, I suspect it will take more than that to kill me. #
  • 13:28 I <3 my minions. They're eager to please and generous with their chili cheese Fritos. #
  • 15:01 Anyone else excited about Wes Anderson's "Fantastic Mr. Fox"? Loved that book as a kid. Its message of creating community has stayed w/me. #
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