Further Update, Or: That's Why Most Girls Go Belly-Up In This Economy.

Feb 04, 2009 06:36

Well, it looks like I'm getting the job! Yay!

The receptionist's last day is the 13th and then I'll be moving to her station. The director says they are going to have to wait a couple of months to make the hiring official because she wants to see how the state budget situation progresses, and they'll keep me on as a temp until then.

And as for working reception, they're going to work on automating the phone system so I won't have to pick up too many calls and they're getting a check scanner from the bank so I won't have to make daily bank runs. Score!

But here's the best part: since I told her I am interested in going into development someday, the director is going to let me work on some big projects like getting the website redesigned (including eventually setting up things like a Facebook, Myspace, blog, etc.) I have a remarkable opportunity here to learn how to do some development stuff literally from the ground up, since I'm already learning how to generate workable mailing lists and databases.

I'm so excited! I am just keeping my fingers crossed that they can do a bit better for me than what the temp agency's paying. This seems so perfect for me, I would hate to have to go looking for stupid corporate jobs again because the money wasn't sufficient for me to do what I need to do in the near future.

Wish me luck! :D

P.S. unrealfred makes the best mix CDs ever. Just so you know. Un, the kids have been listening to "Other People's Poetry" in the car for days and keep requesting one more play. And the fact that they remember seeing you in person makes it even better for them, I guess! ^_^

ETA: Swimsuit has been shipped! *squee*

stupid happy, work, personal, on the subject of me, life's rich pageant, secrets

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