Glad Tidings! And Some Other Stuff, Too.

Jul 10, 2008 01:30

My parents used to delight in telling me that my friends (including, of course, kassrachel) would never really stand by me in times of trouble and that I could only count on my family. It is both to my eternal delight and dismay that they have been proven wrong on both counts time and time again. Thank you all for your support as I move, rather quickly I'm afraid, to a momentous occasion in my life.

To cheer myself up (and because our long-awaited and desperately-needed stimulus check has finally arrived), I have taken the plunge and ordered LJ's 100-icon upgrade. Now I won't have to remove icons to add more when I am tempted by new fandoms/icon makers--at least until I run out of slots again. LOL

...I still don't know how I'm going to deal with Eric's father and his wife, particularly since Hunter's birthday party is the week after my bat mitzvah and I am hoping they will still come to that. I remain troubled that they have shown a marked preference for S's blond, blue-eyed, Christian grandchildren ever since their marriage, not to mention that Eric's father has always favored Eric's sister's blond, blue-eyed, Christian children over mine, but I will do whatever I can for as long as I can to shield Hunter and Sarah from those sad circumstances. My children are loved so much by my mother and siblings, by Eric's mother's family and by all of our friends and the temple community at large (not to mention by Eric's paternal grandmother), but I am sad that their own grandfather can't seem to appreciate them.

bat mitzvah, my inferiority complex, personal, sarah, angst, hunter, motherhood

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