Jun 16, 2008 16:40
Hey y'all....
Been a long while since i've posted here...
Works been going great... It fantastic having a boss that really listens and appreciates every little thing! In september i would have been with these guys a year. There is one bad apple in the pack though... The rest of us get along swimmingly! But meh... we deal with her... She has her good and bad days. Shes one of these people that thinks the world owes her something and that no matter how good her life is she always has something to whinge about.
But moving on.....................................
I've decided to enter into the NSW florist of the future comp thats being held in July. I did compete in a few back home, but i'm hoping that with everything i have learnt since i've been here i might be able to do better....... wait, hold up.... i will do better!
Speaking of july.... MY GOD BUSY!!! Got Tocal, florist comp, baby shower, Wicked in melbourne (sooo F**king excited), rehearsals, blah blah blah blah blah....... oh and i was gonna try and fit in coronation but that ain't happening now. I think i'll have August off....
The rehearsals are for Pirates of Penzance.... I tried out with a local musical theatre group and i got chorus... WHich i'm happy with! It's a nice foot in the door. One of my friends Adam was in their last production (JC superstar) and he got one the main parts in pirates... WHEEEEE! Gonna be awesome fun..... even though the music director has already quit! eek! .....but Because rehearsals are like 3 times a week, SCA is gonna go on the back burner until after the performances in October.
Griff got a job!!!!!!!!!!!! YAHOO! He will be starting on the 30th of june as a trainee accountant/IT officer. 4 days a week plus uni.... So the boy will be way busy. He's just finishing cert3 in tafe and then he'll have a week off before work starts.
Missing home a bit! Pencampwr was a few weeks ago and thats one of my favourite events! The King and Queen were there, Andre got knighted, new people galore, lots of singing, lots of drinking..... *sigh*......
Why couldn't coronation be a month later....
ahhhh, what else is there?
Going to smallfry's 18th this weekend in Canberra! 18!!!!!! dude! scary stuff! I'll be flying her to springwar this year as a pressie from Griff and i. We plan to get her mildly intoxicated... who am i kidding... extremely intoxicated... There will be spew! lol
Thats all i can think of for now... laters