Aug 26, 2005 16:39
Ok, This is going to be a pretty long post as it covers a long period of time and almost every day as a new adventure doing some crazzeh Cape Breton stuff. So lets start from the beginning.
Thursday August 18th
On Thursday morning my dad came and picked me up at 8:30 am. For me this is really fucking early and going to be one long day. So I bring out my computer, cloths and toiletries and put them in the trunk. Our first stop is going to be New Glasco. We have to drop my grandmother off there so she can visit my aunt Janice. We make it there in a reasonable amount of time and drop her off then head towards the Canso Causeway into Cape Breton. We get across the causeway no problem and start to head off towards New Waterford. Approximately 45 minutes after reaching Cape Breton our front passenger side tire explodes like a Firestone. I have never changed a tire in my life and my dad is not physically athletic enough to do it alone so I have to figure out how one of these stupid tire irons work. This took us about an hour to change a single tire (Yeah us O’Connor are all mechanics >.>) From there we continue on to New Waterford. We get here with no more problems and I walk into a mess of a trailer. I mean this thing looks like fucking shit. Well time to set up camp for what I expect to be a week of hell.
Friday August 19th
Today we went around the Cabot trail after I said I had no interests in the site seeing…Well time to get ready to listen to Robin-Lynn (Dawns Daughter) for like 5 hours straight because this kid is 8 and talks like an auctioneer on speed. This was not the funnest thing in the world. Sure it was pretty but it would have been nicer with people I actually talk with to be there. Or going site seeing with a significant other. But hey it beat staying home all day with no Internet. Oh how the lack of Internet is killing me. I miss talking to every one. From there we went to some scarecrow farm thing… was really stupid. It was just a bunch of scarecrows that look like famous people…Whippy do. This day all in all was surprisingly boring.
Saturday August 20th
Dad and Dawn are working for the call center known as stream. Setting up Satellite radios or some thing like that. I don’t really know or care to find out. All I know is that Dad thinks this satellite radio shit is cooler then any thing else ever invented….its fucking satellite radio stations for Christ sake. Any ways I’m home alone and then it hits me “holy fuck Chris from my guild wars guild lives in Glace Bay. That is only like 7km away!!” So I try to get a hold of him but I don’t know his last name. So now I need some help. I recruit Steph into going on my msn and looking for him but he was not on msn so I take a last resort attempt to find him and tell her how to get on the teamspeak server for the guild. He is there!! So I get Steph to give him my number then he calls. After a bit of talking I get a cab down to his place and I hang out with him and his friend Paul till 10:30 when dad comes to pick me up.
Sunday August 21st
So dad likes to waste a lot of moneh on gas. Like that is where all his moneh goes because he wants to go on yet another long drive. This time to the Two Rivers wildlife park to let Robin-Lynn see some animals. Oh joy do I ever love wild life parks. It’s up there with scarecrow farms on the list of the top 10 things that own my face. To make matters worse after we are there for 10 min it starts piss poring rain. Wewt I love this place even more. I’m no longer just looking for caged creatures, now I’m looking for caged creaters in the poring rain. So we run back to the car and then go home. Later that night we went to the only thing good in Cape Breton. The drive in. This drive in cost 11$ per car and it shows three movies. So hey 5 people for 3 movies, at the theaters that would cost you $112.50 so it’s a good deal.
Monday August 22nd
Home alone all day…. Yeah nothing cool at all. I spent a lot of time thinking about what I’m doing in life. What school is going to be like in a few weeks and a lot about what is going on relationship wise between Nico and me. I have realized how much I miss her and I told her this. I hope some thing will happen when I get back to the main land. I really do care for her and want to be with her. And to any one going to respond to this with some thing negative about her this is your warning that I will gut you like a fucking fish because I’m sick of people talking shit about her for some thing that happened 4-5 years ago. So fuck off. Thanks ^.^
Tuesday August 23rd.
We drove out to Louisburg to go to the beach. I must admit the beaches up here are much nicer. The ocean water is very refreshing and swimming in the waves is actually a lot of fun. I usually hate swimming but I did have a good time. If I was to ever come to Cape Breton again I would love to go to the beach again and then go to the drive-in afterwards.
Wednesday August 24th
Well we stayed home all day today because Dawn and Robin are now sick and such. This day was not much fun but I spent a lot of time talking to dad and getting to know him a lot better and get him to explain what has been going on over the years. This was a good thing and dad and me have finally resolved our differences.
Thursday August 25th
Today I’m home alone again. I booked my shuttle home for tomorrow. I should be at my house by about 1 o’clock. I can’t wait to get home and sleep in my own bed. As well as to talk with al my friends. I miss every one a lot but this was all in all a good experience for me. I resolved a lot of internal problems and can now focus on new events that are going to happen in my life. Maybe if I’m lucky now that I’m at peace with my dad I can look forward to being a father my self some day. Not just to show him up but because I know I will always have his support no matter what. I feel so loved now that I know that my dad cares for me. This is looking like a good start to my life as an adult. I guess with age really does come change, and this change was for the better