Jul 30, 2004 11:44
i am finally leaving for nantucket tomorrow at like 4am. today has been hell so far because my mom woke me up at 9am to clean the kitchen. i don't understand why in the world it was so important i clean ~wash the counters and mop the floor~ but i was pretty pissed. i explained the whole situation last entry with everyone running around like the beginning of HOME ALONE 1. but regardless i am all packed and at least i myself am ready to go...i can't speak for the rest. well, yes i can. no one else is even remotely close to being ready. we have to drop my dogs off at the kennel which is really sad so i'm not going to go. i would cry. the turtle is going to stay with my moms friend, marisa is going to our barn to watch the horses, and chris will come here to feed the cats. what a zoo. well any who, i won't be updating this until i get back on the 15th...so over two weeks of not knowing whats going on in my life, what a tragedy. i know all of you get by with my extremely eventful entries. well adios amigos. see you when i return.
~my sister julie and her fiance will be there
~my cousin from colorado is coming for a week
~my aunt and uncle will be there too
~pretty much sitting on the beach all day drinking shirly temples...possibly the occasional swim or bike ride into town.
basically just a jolly good time doing nothing. fun fun..and that's not scarastic either. i am genunily excited. cya