Sep 19, 2010 12:39

Hi all, I would first like to thank everyone here on this forum for the extensive information and advice that you post daily. Although this is my first post, I have been reading this forum for quite a while now and have learned so much from you all, so thank you!!!

Now, as for my question... I attend a college in nyc where speech pathology classes are unfortunately not offered. I would like to apply to grad school  for fall of 2011 but for most schools in NY this is impossible since I need to have completed at least 3 speech courses prior to even sending in my apps. I found only 2 schools in nyc that I can apply to without the prereqs, those are: NYU and Teachers College. My GPA is not the best, it is 3.6, so I would like to somehow improve my chances of getting in. Hence the GRE...

I would like to take the GRE in December and have not yet started to study for it. I am not good at all with the material that will be on the exam, and feel that I will not do a good job studying for it on my own within 2 months. I know that the GRE is not weighed as heavily as other things when applying for speech path, but I would like to get a high score to compensate at least a little bit for my GPA and lack of speech courses. I would like to know from those of you who know about prep courses for the GRE here in NYC, which is considered the best. Thank you in advance!!
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