Aug 12, 2006 00:41
Today was officially my last day working at Winn-Dixie Store #605. It's so weird to think I've walked out of there for the last might've only been 9 months, but I've grown a family over there, especially as I've opened up to them over the past couple of months. I've actually made friends there, something I never thought I'd do at first. Didn't go out without a bang though....Wednesday was the first day of the store's 50% off clearance sale - EVERYTHING in the store was 50% off including alcohol and tobacco. People were lined up hours before the store opened up...I came in at 9, scheduled to work til 4:30. The madness was something to behold...I wish I had a camera. Nevertheless, to cut the story short, I worked til 9:30 pm..with no lunch break. There was no time, and no one to cover the customer service desk for me. I knew that....No one made me do it, but I did because of who I am. So yep, 12.5 hours without a break. What a day. Today was an anti-climatic finish, 2-9...with hardly anything left on the shelves, and didn't really get to say bye to everyone. Might do that tomorrow.
Ah enough of that note I guess.
Just got over a miserable wisdom teeth experience. Took 6 days, after an infection. There were some terrible, ridiculously painful times in there that I questioned everything I knew. Now I'm good to go...thank the Lord.
Saw DCI Quarterfinals in the movies last night; that was very cool.
- Big Phantom hornline fan this a matter of a fact I love the show; I wish it could win. Visually, bleh.
- Cadets: love the show, get a new brass section.
- BD: not usually a big fan, but I thought it was good, solid across the board, but a winner...?
- Cavies: It's very good, but unlike everyone else on the planet, it doesn't drop my jaw as much as other Cavies things in the past. Maybe it's just me, maybe I was just tired by the time I saw them last night. 5 hours in a theater seat is a long wait.
- Glassmen musically were kinda cool.
- Bluecoats should not beat Cadets.
Just looked at the Semis recap.
Interesting things. Glad to see Cavies regained Visual Caption. Phantom should win music, and brass. Love to see them in second. SCV's coming on strong...wouldn't mind them passing the Cadets. and as so many times before, the Cavies pull away. oh and how are the Cavies about to win brass. hm =\
1 week til I leave for UF. Not sure if I'm "ready" to leave; not sure if I'll ever be.
Sometimes in life, you'll left asking yourself where the time's gone, who you've become, where everything's headed....and sometimes you have no answers.
Battery's dying, so I'll post and hit the sack. Night folks.