Jun 14, 2007 22:40
you know, it's the 13th anniversary of the rangers winning the cup and the nhl has found a new way to piss me off.
from calvin over at rangerland.net
This is getting ridiculous.
Guess what, American hockey fans? We just got pooped on again by the media, this time by the NHL’s so-called cable partner. The NHL Awards were tonight at 7:30 pm, albeit on a tape delay til 8 pm in many areas of North America. So, what happened when hockey fans tuned in to the official cable station of the NHL? Nothing. We’ve got the fucking Toughman competition until 11 pm in the States, apparently.
What the hell is it going to take? I’m not demanding we go back on ESPN or some other station. I just want the NHL to get on the damn ball and give us some TV coverage. Aren’t these shitbags at Versus supposed to be our best friends for-fucking-ever? The Preakness fiasco was depressing but I supposed it was a calculated risk. The Tampa Bay Telethon Incident was aggravating but I was willing to write it off as a fluke. But now the NHL can’t even get Versus on the same page to cover the awards properly? According to a commenter over at James Mirtle’s liveblog of the awards,
Here’s what happened. Versus was using the CBC signal from Toronto. However CBC is tape delaying the awards and showing them at 8pm local time. Apparently Versus just got the schedule from the NHL (which had the whole thing starting at 7) and never looked at the CBC schedule. Because the CBC feed from Toronto was delayed that would push the broadcast past 9 o’clock when Versus is scheduled for a live boxing match. Thus the decision was made to push the already taped award show to 11 and air the live sporting event.
Three incidents like this in the span of about a month? That’s not unfortunate or a calculated risk. Someone is asleep at the switch. So who screwed up here now? Is it Versus’ fault for not looking at the schedule? Is it the NHL’s fault for not making sure Versus was prepared for this event? Or maybe is it the fans’ fault for continuing to believe this league has our backs when it comes to making sure we can watch their sport?
No matter which option you pick, you have to admit that as fans, we’re totally getting soaked by the NHL. Television coverage has been a joke these past few months - these sort of lapses are just mind boggling. Yeah, the NHL can toot its own horn all it wants about how they’re taking advantage of Youtube and Joost, but until they start making this stuff available live, I don’t really care. I’m not interested in the grainy 320×240 Youtube highlights, I’m interested in live feeds that the NHL apparently just doesn’t care to show me. You’re still coming back from a lockout, Gary. You’re supposed to be winning the fans back over and impressing us - but mostly I just end up feeling like you don’t care. Do us a favor - show us we matter, and at least get our sport aired on its official cable station, OK?
versus sucks