Croqué chez gourou_sama

Sep 26, 2007 12:57

* Go to Career Cruising,
* Put in Username: romeohs and Password: bulldogs.
* Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions.
* Post the top 10 results
* Italicize any careers you've had
* Bold careers you are interested in

1. Website Designer

2. Desktop Publisher

3. Craftsperson

4. Animator

5. Fashion Designer

6. Stock Clerk

7. Potter (c'est quoi ça ?? OO?)

8. Cartoonist / Comic Illustrator

9. Costume Designer

10. Multimedia Developer

11. Airport Ground Crew

12. Fruit and Vegetable Grower

13. Zookeeper ( XD XD )

14. Graphic Designer

15. Artist

16. Computer Animator

17. Professional Athlete (pardon ?? Oo?)

18. Medical Illustrator

19. Art Director

20. Stylist

21. Housekeeper

22. Nursery / Greenhouse Grower

23. Animal Caretaker

24. Model

25. Video Game Developer

26. Set Designer

27. Painter

28. Webmaster

29. Insulator

30. Plasterer

31. Special Effects Technician

32. Vending Machine Servicer

33. Makeup Artist

34. Sign Maker

35. Pet Groomer

36. Miner (Underground) (MDR ! J'aime ma grotte mais pas à ce point là !!)

37. Animal Breeder

38. Jeweler

39. Drywaller

40. Actor

test fun, meme

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